TURKU, Finland — Beam me up, Scotty! In a study that seems straight out of a “Star Trek” episode, an international team of researchers has achieved a remarkable feat in the realm of quantum teleportation. They have successfully conducted near-perfect quantum teleportation despite the presence of noise that typically disrupts the transfer of quantum states.

Quantum teleportation is a process in which the state of a quantum particle, or qubit, is transferred from one location to another without physically sending the particle itself. This transfer requires quantum resources, such as entanglement between an additional pair of qubits.

  • SpaceNoodle@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    Think of it like this: imagine you have a secret message written on a piece of paper, and you also have some additional information written on a separate piece of paper. By carefully combining these two pieces of information, you can create a new, more robust way of sending the secret message that is less affected by outside interference or noise.

    Not sure I’ve ever read a more useless “simplification” in my life.

    • rtxn@lemmy.world
      5 months ago

      Imagine an etch-a-sketch a Magna Doodle where you have the front side of the board and someone else has the back side. Every cell must be either black or white, and a cell in one state on your board must always be in the other state on the other board. Whatever you write on your side appears in the negative on the other. It’s like that, but quantum.

    • can
      5 months ago

      A but more detailed lower:

      The process works as follows: the sender subjects their photon to controlled dephasing, which cancels out the initial correlations. They then perform a joint measurement on their part of the entangled pair and the qubit to be teleported. This measurement not only entangles the sender’s qubits but also remotely transforms the hybrid entanglement into local qubit-environment entanglement on the receiver’s side. Finally, the receiver applies a specific operation based on the sender’s measurement result and subjects their photon to dephasing, which remarkably converts the qubit-environment entanglement into the desired quantum state.