In an alternate world, the murder of a government sponsored superhero draws his outlawed colleagues out of retirement, into a mystery that threatens their li...
I don’t mean to spew too much (but I will), but this animation really loses something compared to the comic.
Look at this page of Rorschach ziplining up the building.
The 9 panel layout gives this great visual story telling. Look at things like the buildings in the top left panel, how there is no outline just windows to give the impression of an outline. In the middle left panel, the details of Rorschach’s mask and chest have been deliberately minimized with specifically chosen heavy shadows- unlike taking a 3D model and casting a computer calculated shadow on it. The building in the middle panel is drawn to ensure it really feels looming.
Etc, etc. There is so much thought put into the layout, angles, colors, and forms in the drawn comic that make it so top tier.
It’s possible to make a cartoon movie that captures that, but you’d really have to get some quality artists and directors (and give them actual artistic freedom) to not just be technically proficient but make solid artistic choices.
Excellent reminder of how amazing the comic book looks. And how incredibly dull this trailer looks by comparison.
I’m not so sure the same visual style can be captured well in a cartoon movie - the flat colours and high contrast visuals would probably look funky in motion. Happy to be proven wrong though!
Edit: I guess in a way it has already been done with the motion comic. Looks better than the new movie for sure, but lacks the impact of the comic strip in my opinion.
I don’t mean to spew too much (but I will), but this animation really loses something compared to the comic.
Look at this page of Rorschach ziplining up the building.
The 9 panel layout gives this great visual story telling. Look at things like the buildings in the top left panel, how there is no outline just windows to give the impression of an outline. In the middle left panel, the details of Rorschach’s mask and chest have been deliberately minimized with specifically chosen heavy shadows- unlike taking a 3D model and casting a computer calculated shadow on it. The building in the middle panel is drawn to ensure it really feels looming.
Etc, etc. There is so much thought put into the layout, angles, colors, and forms in the drawn comic that make it so top tier.
It’s possible to make a cartoon movie that captures that, but you’d really have to get some quality artists and directors (and give them actual artistic freedom) to not just be technically proficient but make solid artistic choices.
Excellent reminder of how amazing the comic book looks. And how incredibly dull this trailer looks by comparison.
I’m not so sure the same visual style can be captured well in a cartoon movie - the flat colours and high contrast visuals would probably look funky in motion. Happy to be proven wrong though!
Edit: I guess in a way it has already been done with the motion comic. Looks better than the new movie for sure, but lacks the impact of the comic strip in my opinion.