In a conversation with Mike Solan, the head of the Seattle Police Officers’ Guild, Seattle Police Department officer and SPOG vice president Daniel Auderer minimized the killing of 23-year-old student Jaahnavi Kandula by police officer Kevin Dave and joked that she had “limited value” as a “regular person” who was only 26 years old.

In fact, as we reported exclusively, Dave was driving 74 miles an hour in a 25 mile per hour zone and struck Kandula while she was attempting to cross the street in a marked and well-lighted crosswalk.

    1 year ago

    Also saying its not even the top 10 cause of death is a bit dumb.

    No it’s not dumb at all, it’s quite relevant to the context in which I used that information, which is not the context in which you are framing it. You’re making up a fake argument by using my words out of context in other words.

    I said that because it’s my reason for not being worried about it. It’s not a danger worth being worried about because it is statistically unlikely to happen to most people.

    Separate from that, I stated support for our 2A rights and verbally shat upon the idea of gun bans, because it is not logistically possible to remove them from society in the USA.

      1 year ago

      It’s funny how you quoted me there and claimed i took what you said out of context and reframed it, but did the exact same thing to me by not including any of the context. Bit hypocritical…

      You dont need to be worried about being shot to accept that school shootings, mass shootings, or any shootings that are done unjustly as a direct result of lax gun laws are a problem. Sure, YOU might not get shot, but it is happening in places it shouldn’t be, so you should be concerned about it.

      Is it that easy for you to ignore all the death? all the kids that die in schools? all the families that suffer tragedy? Just because “hur dur mA riGhTs!” The constitution was written in 1791. It was written within the context of the time, but i guess that’s another thing you are happy to take out of context because it suits you, huh?

      The right to bear arms allowed you to carry a fucking flintlock pistol. You aren’t shooting up a fucking school with a musket when you have to load each round individually between shots.

      If the founding fathers had the type of weaponry you could get today that ammendment would look VERY different.

      You can pretend all you want. And i know you will.

      But go ahead and tell me ive taken you out of context when you a clearly happy to do the same whenever it suits you.

        1 year ago

        Is it that easy for you to ignore all the death? all the kids that die in schools? all the families that suffer tragedy?

        Yes, actually it is pretty easy to ignore all that. It’s a tiny drop in the bucket compared to the overall population. Far less than the number of people dying in accidents, which is the #4 leading cause of death in the USA. But if you watch the news, that’s all they focus on because it gets eyes on their content. The boring reality that the vast majority of us experience, living in safety without encountering violence, is not able to capture anyone’s attention to drive ad revenue. Usually whenever there’s a newsworthy shooting, the investigations lead to mountains of red flags that the perpetrator had shown prior and the police and community around them just let it go until tragedy struck. So I wonder why those people failed their community, more than I wonder about the “evil guns” that caused it.

        And back to your lame Constitution-time argument, it’s worth noting that there were fully-automatic machine guns and semi-automatic rifles in use by the military at the time the Constitution was written. They were fully aware of the technology of repeating small arms, and intended for the bearing of such arms to be the right of the common man.

          1 year ago

          More people die from accidents that no one aaw coming than from firearms, so we better not do anything about firearms… thats you. That’s what you sound like.

          As for the automatic weapons

          Heres the first link i found, and it explicitly states it wasn’t used for war and doesn’t match the modern definition of a machine gun

          Everything else seems to be nothing like a modern machine gun.

          Pretend thry had the same types of weaponry we had all you want but you are chatting absolute shit.