• SARGEx117@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    Like… Legitimately I’d rather be single and never worry about it, rather than be that terrified of something like that.

    Can it happen? Absolutely. I can name two people I know personally it happened to.

    But to just assume that everyone is like that, and that the person you place your trust in will betray said trust and to think otherwise is stupid… Like… Just stay single then and stop trying to make other people as miserable as you?

    I trust my wife, and I trust our separate bank accounts. If I need something, she sends it. If she needs something, I send it. My parents have their own accounts, as well as a joint account. They set all three up at the same time when they moved to the state.

    Someone who mistrusts every single person to that degree, including their own spouse, is in need of therapy, because something needs to be worked out. And therapy works.

    • Mouselemming
      11 months ago

      Therapy costs money too and she will need it when she is fleeing the abuse. Having a cash stash just in case, that’s not big enough to be illegal or “hiding assets” but is enough to walk out the first time he hits her, instead of getting trapped into a cycle of abuse that leads to her death, is prudent for any woman. You’re definitely speaking from a man’s lived experience but just because you’ve never been made aware of it doesn’t mean it’s not all around you. Women literally put their life on the line in most heterosexual relationships. The person most likely to harm or kill a woman is not a stranger but her husband or boyfriend. And it’s often the man who most vehemently argues against the idea, and says the woman is doing something wrong by hiding money, that she’s not trusting enough or wanting to cheat, who will violently turn on her in rage one day for those same imagined affronts to his ownership of her. Which he’ll deny right up to, and even after he does it. You want loyal, get a dog. Having a chance to escape is what makes staying a free choice.