Very difficult to discuss with the fiance without know the terminology yet lol

    vor 1 Jahr

    Not rude at all.

    Think of the domain names. I can register multiple domains, and point them to the same server. The domain name is the instance name. So while I could have multiple communities on like (I don’t own this domain, fyi, just an example), and have flying and sports communities with similar rules and things, this may not make sense if my domain name is something more specific, especially if if want communities to have far more specialization.

    I saw an instance called, with all sorts of communities about different, more specialized/technical aspects of flying; gliders, simming, cockpit videos, etc. If I owned this domain, but if I’m also a fan of sports, I could also have, with communities for football, baseball, basketball, etc. While the owner could combine those sports communities onto, it may be more appealing to their users to make their home on an instance best reflects their interests. So if I was predominately a sports fan, I probably wouldn’t want my home instance to be In computer science, this concept is called coupling; you want to group similar things together in one place, and similarly, not group dissimilar things together.

    While mega instances might have all sorts of unrelated topics, they will not have the specialization or level of granularity that some people may be looking for… or maybe in the fediverse, it won’t end up being so appealing to tie yourself to a megainstance, lest they go the way of Reddit or Twitter (or risk of brigading, or ddos, etc). It so far seems to be idealized to have lots of smaller, specialized instances, and your home is whichever suits you best, but because you’re federated, you can still participate and subscribe to your favorite communities across instances no problem, but you may have some greater sense of pride or camaraderie in being from your home instance. i.e., in Reddit, very rarely, people will say, hey, I recognize you from such and such sub! But here, you will see people from, or, etc, and it’d be more explicit that this person is from the same instance as you, and that’s pretty cool.