• ilinamorato@lemmy.world
    10 months ago

    I remember reading an article just a few weeks ago about a company that made a combination prosthetic/implant for blind people to be able to see in the…early 2000s, I think? It was an early technology, low-rez, but somewhat miraculous for some.

    And then the company went out of business.

    As the implants began to wear out, or the software developed bugs, or the patients’ needs changed, things fell apart. They lost their vision and nobody could help them because the hardware and software were proprietary.

    Now Elon Musk—with his reputation for quality control and following through with ideas and open source—wants to put things in our brains. Backed by the full faith and credit of Elon Musk.

    One day he’s going to push down an update that makes everybody with a Neuralink stop and say “hehe butts” in a funny voice, and the tech bros will say “lol great meme Elon” even though a dozen of them got hit by a car because they were forced to stop while they walked across the street, and thirty of them lost their jobs because they said “hehe butts” to their managers, and one of them was a soldier who said “hehe butts” in an active warzone and blew the whole squad’s cover.

    I can’t believe anyone is honestly entertaining this.