Another day, another service joins the Google Graveyard.

Google’s Business Profiles had a feature that allowed sole traders and small businesses to quickly and easily set up a simple website.

Sure, it’s not WordPress, but it was a good option for less tech savvy small businesses to get a web presence up quickly and easily.

And, as part of Google’s ongoing enshittification, it’s going:

“Websites made with Google Business Profiles are basic websites powered by the information on your Business Profile. In March 2024, websites made with Google Business Profiles will be turned off and customers visiting your site will be redirected to your Business Profile instead. The redirect will work until June 10, 2024.”

#Google #tech #enshittification #technology @technology

  • @[email protected]
    496 months ago

    I really miss “Don’t Be Evil.”

    I still use some of their original services, but I’ve become wary of trusting anything they brought online after about 2010.

        • Protofox Riley
          36 months ago

          inbox was actually the best web based email frontend I’ve ever used, I miss it greatly, I’ve been using thunderbird since but it’s just not the same

      • @deranger
        6 months ago

        Doubt it, it’s one of their biggest data mining operations.

        I can see them making it suck, though.

      • Ms. ArmoredThirteen
        46 months ago

        Please be a joke… I’m unfortunately pretty deep in my current gmail with all kinds of medical, legal, and financial offices it would be a mess for me to lose it

            • @[email protected]
              16 months ago

              Better to do now than (most likely) never.
              The sooner the better and now new cases are sent to the old email.
              If you get your own domain ypu can choose whatever email peovider you want.
              Hell. Host it at home.

              • Ms. ArmoredThirteen
                26 months ago

                So that’s the plan and I’m not a stranger to doing basic server stuff. For me personally right now though it just isn’t feasible. I’m not in a space where I can handle extra overhead like that and I’m entrenched in a lot of important communications through my old email that need as little disruption as possible. In about a year I think things will have cooled down enough for me to switch

    • Human Crayon
      26 months ago

      They sunset “Don’t Be Evil” a while ago.

    • @[email protected]
      -16 months ago

      “Don’t be evil” isn’t meaning that Google won’t be evil, it is a threat to the user. “Be good and obedient, don’t block ads and trackers, it’s healthier for you”