Kind of like a Google Home or Amazon Echo but instead of being triggered by something like “Hey Google” or “Alexa” it’s triggered by sneezes. It’s whole purpose would be to say things like “bless you” or whatever the regional response is to a sneeze

Of course it would have to be connected to the internet so that we can sell sneeze analytics to Amazon for targeted advertising.

  • Smuuthbrane
    9 months ago

    My bet is that it would be a non-trivial effort just to correctly identify sneezes. There is a ridiculously wide spectrum of sneeze sounds, all the way from the ol’ “aaaAAAAAAH-CHOOOO!” dad sneeze to the cute little squeak that some women make. You might get the device blessing you after passing gas in a particular way. Could be good for a laugh. Especially if you have animals that make noises.