When it happened there were tons of people commenting that it was probably cut open with a knife and looted. As if all the holes to the left and top left weren’t bullet holes. As if the whole reason people would even be so desperate to loot for food has nothing to do with Israel.
Probably Hamas was hiding inside. /s
Aged cheese is old enough to be a terrorist!
But only if it is above four.
Guys, I don’t know if any of you are noticing, but I think Israel might be the bad guys.
We’re judging too quickly. We need a year of investigations to make sure it was a single rogue sailor. In the meantime the ship is ordered to remain close to the checkpoint and keep that sailor on gun duty. We pinky promise they won’t do it again. Just make sure to park on the X.
Why the hell are the World presidents not doing anything against this?
Like anything. All they do is talking, talking and talking but zero fucking actions.
The horrendous shit Israel been doing for decades has been well documented. This current genocide is being well documented.
It is happening in front of everyone’s eyes but nothing.
Israel government shouts “antisemitism” and putting on a star from WW2 on its chest and play the victim card. Yet the world presidents seems to not want to realize Hamas only exists and got immensely radical because of Israel actions.
Hamas wouldn’t even have existed if Israel didn’t stole the land.
This world is just so damned.
Short answer? Money. The “west’s” geopolitical agenda relies on Israel to be a stronghold of their fucked up values in the Middle East. Israel gets cover for their insane genocidal shit like this, they get to act like a superpower in the middle of the second least geopolitically powerful region of the world, the us and the EU get their ally, the defense contractors get a bunch of money. They all win.
Money. It’s all money and power. They’ve proven over and over again that none of them give a shit about the Palestinian people. They’re still refusing to condemn Israel, but they are trying to delicately play both sides by being “disappointed” or whatever politically expedient statements they make while fully funding and ultimately defending…well, genocide. It’s genocide.
Why the hell are the World presidents not doing anything against this?
While I’m no scholar, I really think it’s a geo-political issue. If the West doesn’t support Israel, then Russia will and gain considerable power in the Middle East. It’s the only reason I can think of. Any one have any ideas?
I don’t know that it matters anymore. This so clearly breaks with stated American values that’s it’s now just a matter of time before we break ties with Israel. I’m willing to bet the Russians and Chinese are already setting up shop there.
Russia and China have both condemned Israel’s genocide of Palestinians and called for ceasefires. On the other hand, the US is actively funding the genocide. That’s US values.
Yeah I get that. And there’s going to be an internal reckoning over those values too. You can’t tell entire generations of people that we’re the good guys and genocide is a bad guy thing and not have a consequence.
This is literally the doing of a tiny group of Americans that can’t really be touched until this upcoming November. I’m partially just sitting here in horror watching Biden shoot himself in the foot repeatedly.
And while Russia and China have made statements condemning Israel, if we managed to convince Biden to cut them loose, they’d be there in an instant. It’s all an influence game.
Russia is more or less openly supporting Hamas and China is choosing a transparent and clumsy policy of endearing themselves with the global South by only condemning Israel and not even mentioning Hamas. Neither nation should be admired for what they are doing.
You do realise that a lot of countries have parliamentary republic form of government and presidents of those countries don’t have real power, right?
Unironicallt I think mossad got some crazy black mail on them
Israeli forces fired on a United Nations convoy
Because the good guys usually fire upon UN personnel carrying humanitarian goods.
What the fuck. I can’t believe nobody cares about this, they fired on the UN
CNN has seen correspondence between the UN and the Israeli military that show the convoy’s route was agreed upon by both parties prior to the strike.
And by naval gunfire no less! At a stationary truck. At a check point!
At first I thought they were lost shots but apparently israel is shooting at them from the coastline.
This also explains where many of the gunfire comes from when we see videos of Palestinians who try to get aid getting shot at. Likely they are israeli Terrorist boats shooting at civilians.
Fog of war is a real thing. If the IDF wanted to destroy the convoy, I’m sure they could do better than 1/10 trucks.
They succeeded in their mission of blocking aid from arriving
The article doesn’t say anything about the other 9 trucks
Afterwards, the convoy still requested permission to proceed through an Israeli checkpoint that supervises entry into northern Gaza, but it was denied entry.
Ahh yes the famous excuse of “but the idf are more competent than that!”