Here is mine ❤️ she may be knock off, but she’s huge beautiful and her name is Gloria. I love her very much :D
I have a haj named Ike and a smolhaj named Ang (not from the last air bender). My next haj will be named Kea.
I also have a blue shark (not a blåhaj) named Chompy. Chompy isn’t exactly a blåhaj knockoff, because he predates blåhaj :)
Not yet but I intend to get one soon! No Ikea around here, so probably gonna have to make do with a knockoff as well.
Anyhow, I’m boring so I’ll probably just call them Blåhaj lol. Your Gloria is glorious! :D
You can always see if you can order online from their store, their shipping normally isn’t abhorrently expensive.
Appreciate the thought, I did take a look but they don’t ship to my country. Amazon, AliExpress and whatnot do so that’s where I’ll try to find a decent enough knockoff lol
Edit: Upon closer inspection, it looks like I was mistaken and they are indeed able to ship pretty much anywhere. I’ll investigate!
We named ours Ida Finn
Mine is named Sharkey. I uhh, am not the most creative person.
Its ok, ours is Big Sharkey
Wait, we can give them names? I just call mine Blåhaj… °____°
That’s my name! That’s a beautiful shark btw.
Gloria! How many times do I need to tell you to stay off of mommy’s phone to create Lemmy accounts!
I swear, if you weren’t so stinking cute :P
Acquired mini-shonk on Sunday.
No name, for the noble shonk has no use for such a thing.
Also, a bit of self promotion, but don’t forget [email protected] for all of your haj needs :)
I love it! Just posted 🥰
I have a big haj called Tony Shark (because he’s a memer and it sounds like Tony Stark), and a smolhaj called Findlay, or Finn for short. I also have a tiny kitten wearing a blahaj costume who goes by either Kitty or Cat-shark
I haven’t named mine yet, but I have two. They are very cute and cuddly.
cute and cuddly.
Sounds like you just named them :P
She is beautiful. Her mother must have done a very good job in raising her.
🥹 they grow up so fast
I have no haj. Saving up for a bass :(
I have a blahaj named C4
What a banger of a name!
It’s getting to a point I find these cheesy comments and I just know it’s ada 😏☺️
Not even ashamed :P
i named my first one Elizabeth, as that is one of many names that i considered when i came out. any more i get will follow that pattern :3