• AutoTL;DRB
    321 days ago

    This is the best summary I could come up with:

    In 2022, Ostrovsky and Guy Gur-Ari, previously an AI research scientist at Google, teamed up to create Augment’s MVP.

    Elsewhere, there’s a torrent of coding assistant startups: Magic, Tabnine, Codegen, Refact, TabbyML, Sweep, Laredo and Cognition (which reportedly just raised $175 million), to name a few.

    Overruns related to training and serving models forced generative AI coding startup Kite to shut down in December 2022.

    Security researchers have warned that generative coding tools can amplify existing bugs and exploits in projects.

    Some vendors have argued that fair use doctrine shields them from copyright claims while at the same time rolling out tools to mitigate potential infringement.

    But that hasn’t stopped coders from filing class action lawsuits over what they allege are open licensing and IP violations.

    The original article contains 957 words, the summary contains 123 words. Saved 87%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!