There is little research on the political views of those behind the onslaught of abuse. Some surveys show that Republican officeholders are more likely to report being targeted, often from members of their own party. Research does show, however, that recent acts of political violence are more likely to be carried out by perpetrators aligned with right-wing causes and beliefs.

  • @[email protected]
    81 month ago

    when you can’t get your point across using rational discussion, evidence, logic, and other things that were deliberately thrown out the window in your education system, then violence is the only path to victory

    the party of mUh InDiViDuL LiBerTieEeEeS absolutely hates your right to do anything other than what they say

    • @[email protected]
      11 month ago

      They didn’t arrive at their own beliefs through rational discussion, evidence, or logic, so they can’t use those to sway others to join them. Instead they use the same tools that were used on them, fearmongering namely.