• Rhaedas
    2611 months ago

    Even if you disagree with her leanings, just listening to the depth of stuff she talks about particularly at congressional hearings should suggest she’s doing more than a lot of the others who talk fluff and waste everyone’s time.

  • Gargleblaster
    1011 months ago

    She deserves a shot at the White House. I’m not interested in arguments about how she needs more experience or other reasons to put it it off. Obviously not to compete with Biden. But she is my post Biden top choice.

    • I wish only that she wouldn’t attack members of her own party that aren’t in full alignment on all of her hot-button issues. There are Dems holding seats in districts where they are barely beating their Republican rival, and may not have AOC’s luxury of being full-throated on all of the issues. I’m not asking her to defend pedophiles in her ranks (as the Republican party does), but just… not try to tear them down and allow their Republican rival to beat them.

      Her inability to work with moderates in the party - at least in the press - is not a strength.

      • archomrade [he/him]
        611 months ago

        I wish more progressives would speak out against moderate positions within the democratic party. While it might hurt election chances against Republicans, the democratic party has a long history of vamping to progressive issues and then walking them back when it’s time to vote.

  • @[email protected]
    611 months ago

    Unfortunately it seems like the people of the USA rather have a criminal than a woman in charge…

    • spaceghotiOP
      311 months ago

      In fairness, the GOP did spend twenty years trying to smear her with anything and everything they could think of. That kind of dedicated disinformation campaign was bound to bear fruit.

      • @[email protected]
        211 months ago

        Yeah I know, is just frustrating. If they’ve had representative voting the GOP would be insignificant…

  • rebul
    -1311 months ago

    Has she sponsored a single piece of legislation that became law? Seems like most of her blathering is racebaiting and blaming the rich for society’s ills.

    Be brave, dear reader…offer a sensible rebuttal instead of a lazy downvote.

      • rebul
        -411 months ago

        She isn’t the sponsor of any legislation that has been passed according the link you posted.

        She has been to the border for a fake cry photo op.

        She has blamed Republican hostility towards her as rooted in their desire to date her.

        She has blamed billionaires as being the root of all evil in the world.

        She has voiced support for those that “choose not to work”.

        She is proficient with Twitter.

        I haven’t seen anything that makes her ‘presidential’ so far.

        • @[email protected]
          411 months ago

          She literally co-sponsored every piece of legislation in the first link.

          I see you’ve swallowed a lot of right wing propaganda and hate about her. She’s not perfect, but she’s very bright and energetic and progressive, trying to help protect our the environment and help working class people. That’s enough for me to consider her one of many good potential choices for '28.

          I’m curious. Who do you think is a good presidential candidate for '24 or '28?

          • rebul
            -211 months ago

            She did not literally co-sponsor the legislation, she bandwaggoned along with several others to get credit. Just because I disagree with you, and don’t see any facts to support the notion she is an effective legislator, doesn’t mean I have swallowed propaganda. Don’t be so fragile, choose to have an open-minded approach.

            As for good candidates, I’m not aware of any. It’s always been a case of choosing which candidate will harm me the least.

  • @[email protected]
    -1711 months ago

    Real deal? Have you heard what comes out of her trap? We are down to I think 10 years until we’re all dead due to climate “issues”. Unemployment was down a few years ago due to people having two jobs. I could go on and on. But, Okee dokee.