November 19th is International Men’s Day. Let’s look at some grim statistics for males:

73% of people who go missing are male

76% of suicides are by men

87% of rough sleepers are men

3x - the amount of times a man is to become dependent on alcohol and drug use

76 y/o is the life expectancy of a man born in the U.S.

Men are more likely to be victims of violent crime

Men report lower levels of life satisfaction than women

Men are less likely to access psychological therapies than women

Men make up the vast majority of the prison population

18.3% percentage of custody granted to fathers

10% percentage a man get less in child support, if they even get it (as was my case)

I took these statistics from various “official” government websites from the U.S. and U.K.

In my opinion, I don’t doubt for a minute that some of these statistics are intertwined (e.g., amount of suicides related to divorce and custody percentages).

Don’t get married to an Evil Veronica!