My ex-wife often accuses me of initiating too much legal action. However, throughout over a decade of legal battles, she hasn’t allowed me a single minute of custody with our child. She claims I’m the one dragging her to court, yet I’ve had to struggle for every moment I now share with my child. It took nearly seven years to secure 50% custody, and I hoped that would end the litigation. Surprisingly, the past five years have seen continued legal disputes from her side, mainly to evade child support payments. Interestingly, she has spent more on these recent legal battles than the total child support owed to me. This behavior seems illogical, unless viewed through the lens of narcissism. I handled all this while dealing with harassment from her, her attorney, and a third party harassment team.

Happy New Year everyone! As we step into the new year, here’s a friendly reminder: Stay Healthy and Happy, and please, do not marry an Evil Veronica!