Large collection of VTM Redemption Reawakened screenshots as we develop coterie mechanics, testing companion count in skyrim’s engine, creating exp points menu, adding unlocks to disciplines and improving both enemy and companion AI, Implementing outfits with physics and new haircuts.
Holy shit this looks awesome! I love VtMB, but it shows its age, so I’ve been a little reluctant to play the older VtMR. This is really good news for me!
Lighting looks like 2020, characters look like 2010, UI looks like 2000. I love VtMB and I’m excited for this release, but I’ll be damned if I’m not skeptical about it. We’ll have to wait and see I guess.
Edit: oh nvm I thought this was about VtMB 2. Apparently this is a mod recreating the original in the Skyrim game engine or something like that. That’s cool!
Indeed it’s from the Redemption Reawakened project.