Let the shitposting begin!

  • coffeeisnotlatte@latte.isnot.coffeeM
    1 year ago

    Thanks! Interestingly, it appears mod actions from other servers appear in our modlogs so it’s more “global” than I initially expected, but a welcome surprise.

    1. I’ve just today done a bit of work with the logging, indeed nginx was set to log initially (we used https://github.com/LemmyNet/lemmy-ansible to install) - to get around the issue of needing to identify and ban potentially abusive users, I’ve gone ahead and enabled IP masking which basically gives us a “fake” IP in the logs (eg would be converted to I’d actually like to configure this further so it uses out of bounds nonsensical IPs, 708.9.2.1 for example) but helps us track down issues: https://www.nginx.com/blog/data-masking-user-privacy-nginscript/ - luckily Lemmy itself on the Docker containers doesn’t appear to log sensitive information. I’ve wiped the old logs prior to me doing that change

    2. latte.isnot.coffee disavows owning anything posted here, if I find some time I’ll make this clear, likely with the CC license like Wikipedia and Stack Overflow.

    3. This is a long term URL, it’s actually relatively cheap and easy to run. Even if we all go back to Reddit eventually, I will likely keep this online just to keep federalization going with other servers and the ability to comment over there using this instance.