How does it look? What do you think? i have a video of that here too, you may check it the video here:
Here is the link of my game if someone interested in to add wishlist: [](Short Snow game)
note: free demo coming this month
What features would you like to see in this survival game, that you never saw on other survival genre games?
Thanks for reading
Honestly seeing the before and after just makes me want it to be a changing weather system. Sorry for the scope creep suggestion. 😅
Looks pretty foggin good. Just a light touch of it. And not a soupy overdone mess. As is so often tempting to do.
Thank you for your thoughts
Okay, here’s my take: that’s some good looking fog. Like on a scale of 1 to fog, that’s like heavy mist. But here’s the thing: every time I play a game with fog, I think to myself “I wish that wasn’t there.” If you’re going to use the fog, give it purpose. A great example of bad fog is Elden Ring. Example 1: Consecrated Snowfield. Boring garbage that only serves to hide how empty the area is. Example 2: Gravesite Plain in SOTE. Takes an already lackluster area and just makes it even moreso with a big wall of white.
Ironically, Elden Ring also has an example of good fog: Mountaintop of the Giants, Frozen Lake. The fog is generated by Borealis and clears when you defeat him, meaning you’re not faced with a permanently boring area in a primarily visual medium. It adds a cinematic intro for the boss as well as an added layer of difficulty for the fight. This is fog with purpose and how it should be implemented.
Worth noting that fog is often a performance increase for games and part of why it’s so common. It’s not always a purely aesthetic choice on the dev’s part.
The beginning of the consecrated snowfield, the only place in the game that has fog like this, is one of the more memorable parts of the game in my opinion. I’m really confused by this.
It’s not hiding how empty the area is, it’s a lost woods challenge a la Ocarina of Time.
Looks like the fog only applies to close objects. True fog would obscure far objects as well. As it is now, off is better.
Yeah i just checked again, you are right. İ will try to fix it.
The image is of low quality but the results look good. What is this dark blob over the rocks in the image with fog, above the rocks? Is that an artefact of your fog or is it meant to be there?
Ignore it , it was a sky, which i will handle it to fix it,
As a casual gamer with no special knowledge about graphics, I like the one with fog! As long as it doesn’t lower fps of course :>
i am trying to do my best for fps
I read “frogs” and was confused by the picture. The preview looks nice! But it’s missing frogs now.
You are the living embodiment of scope creep.
No no, don’t look over there at my pile of lost projects. They’re lost for a reason.
To me it looks better without fog, but the fog doesn’t look bad at all, I just like it slightly more without fog. Imo best would be if both states where in the game, if performance allows it. Sometimes (more) foggy, sometimes not, depending on time of day or in game events.
In the fog picture there is also some dark sky between trees (along the upper edge, about 40% from the left) that suddenly jumps out, I don’t think that patch should be that dark if the player is standing inside a cloud.
I am trying to get your feedbacks
Looks great. Only problem I see with it is that the skybox isnt treated the same as the other geometry creating a border between the trees and sky.
Yeah i am aware of that, will fix it.
The fog reminded me of playing pubg, which cycles fog. (and weather) The maps become slightly different to play with high intensity fog. I like it, I think it looks good.
Thank you so much!
now the only thing missing from your game is froggy weather
I am working on it
I feel the fog makes it feel very atmospheric. Without fog feels like a crisp winter day, with fog feels like a more unnerving experience.
Yeah fog is very important in games i think
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