• Chris Ferguson@mastodon.social
    29 days ago

    @[email protected]
    Such special games. I still remember picking up my copy of Gold as a kid with my dad. I had pre-ordered it from Electronics Botique (EB games, later merged or bought by GameStop). They had a special deal where you could pre-order the game if you just traded in ANY 3 Gameboy games. I picked some low value ones my mom had gotten me long ago at a garage sale. Killer deal. I remember getting out of the car at home, being in the driveway and savoring reading the back of the box.

    • Out of Print Archive@mstdn.gamesOP
      29 days ago

      @[email protected]

      One of my most cherished memories when it comes to Pokémon was going to the city to go to the game shop, since we didn’t have any in our region at the time.
      Walking in, May 3rd of 1999 and seeing a copy of Pokémon Blue on the shelves when the PAL release was still half a year away.

      Someone traded in a mint US copy and the shopkeepers didn’t know what it even was, so they put it on sale for just €15.
      That was one heck of a summer! 😁