just imagine if we were sharks. we could do this shit like once a week forever
Good news! You can experience this another 32 times!
I used to keep loose teeth connected by the last thread for as long as I could. Then I’d rotate them around and bite gently.
reading this made me flinch
when you put it that way i see why aliens refuse to make contact with us
There are other kinds of bloody holes that lack teeth to shove your tongue into.
stab wound
All 28 of them
axe wound
any hole can get bloody if you tongue hard enough
Take bad enough care of your teeth and you can experience this again. And this time, it’ll never end.
egnlish hard
Like “town” with a j sound on the end
for the right price, your friendly local dentist can arrange this experience for you once again.
You can still do that if ya want. It’ll be more permanent too 😁
Yes officer, this is the post. Lock em up!
Unironically, yes.
If you don’t brush your teeth and eat sugary stuff you’ll be able to soon enough. Or just ask a Jets fan why their team won’t stop loosing
You can also have that while brushing your teeth 3 times a day :(
I can help with that, with or without dusters?