cross-posted from:
drunk driving is the ultimate form of self care
its about taking control of your life and making choices that make you happy and if that means driving drunk then so be it and i know the liberals and the dmv are gonna come after me for saying this but i dont care because someone needs to speak the truth and thats what im doing here
im not apologizing for my choices
im not going to let the pc police tell me what to do and if you cant handle the truth then maybe you shouldnt be reading this but if you can handle it then lets keep the conversation going because its time we start talking about the real issues and not just the fake news narratives that the mainstream media is feeding us
also check out my moms famous nutrients recipe if you keep getting duis all the time because you have so called adhd
This sub is funny the way used to be back in the glory days. Like, great if you can convince yourself the author is a performance artist and not just somebody with a severe mental illness being exacerbated by their platform and internet access
mcthe content i appropriatedi need to update the list what does that acronym mean
Thanks for keeping it real, patriot!
Your rights end where mine begin. Additionally driving is not an inalienable right, it is a privilege.
If you survive the crash, the justice system will deal with you as well they should. I just hope you wrap your truck around a tree instead of killing an innocent car full of people.
Your rights end where mine begin. Additionally driving is not an inalienable right, it is a privilege.
I just hope you wrap your truck around a tree instead of killing an innocent car full of people.
Coming from a neurodivergent person: you should be in jail! If you want to drunk drive buy a property and drive there, at least you only off yourself.
how do you expect me to get to work and stuff
then id need to drink double after i get there thats crazy talk escpecially because i can drive fine even after a few drinks if i have my nutrients
You can’t. And if you can’t function with no alcohol maybe seek help?