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A man who told doctors he ate nothing, but 6–9 pounds of butter, cheese and hamburgers every day for eight months ended up at Tampa General Hospital with yellowish lumps of cholesterol developing on parts of his body.
The backstory: According to JAMA Cardiology, a man, who is only identified as being in his 40s, told doctors that he got diet advice from the internet and began following an extreme carnivore diet.
For eight months, he only ate 6–9 pounds of butter, cheese and hamburgers a day. He stopped eating all carbohydrates, such as bread and sugar.
At first, he said he felt great. He lost weight, became more energetic and had more mental clarity.
But after about eight months, he started developing yellow lesions on his eyelids. Over the next month, the yellow lesions appeared on the palms of his hands, the soles of his feet and his elbows.
Doctors diagnosed him with xanthelasma, a rare condition that impacts about 1% of patients with high cholesterol.
Dig deeper: Xanthelasma is yellow raised deposits of cholesterol that appear under the skin because the body cannot process it.
Fuck me, externalized subcutaneous manifestation of cholesterol was not a thing I expected to learn about.
I learned it was a thing when someone pointed out the strange yellow nodules just below a businessman’s eyebrows in the middle of his forehead. Apparently he had a high cholesterol diet due to all the entertaining.
Literally butter fingers
How has he not died of scurvy? None of this stuff contains any significant quantity of vitamin C?
Edit: Upon some further searching, it appears that fresh meat does contain a small quantity of vitamin C, and this is sufficient to not contract scurvy. Eating a lot of meat also reduces the amount of vitamin C that you need because one of the main uses of vitamin C is the synthesis of collagen, but this is abated because the meat consumed already contains a lot of collagen.
The sources for these claims do not appear to be scientifically rigorous but seeing that there have been people who have followed a “carnivore diet” for years without contracting scurvy, it appears to be at least somewhat true.
Or maybe they’re just taking supplements on the side. That would be the simpler explanation.
I’m surprised he hasn’t died of a heart attack. Bet his veins are fucked.
My first thought as well. Unseemly yellow lumps on the skin are likely the least of his problems.
The best part is where they say they feel great since starting the diet.
Look I also started a new diet a couple of months ago, a vegan based diet, yet I am not oblivious to the negatives and I am monitoring as I go. Hell I noticed a lot of muscle mass has been shed so of course I adjusted my diet to allow for higher protein intake for example.
But I believe the problem is more about this person’s belief structure, where he does not question their own convictions, apply critical thought and common sense, if it was this bad they clearly brainwashed themselves. Sunken cost fallacy will ruin any person
To be precise, he said, he felt great at the beginning. This doesn’t necessarily mean that he felt great for the entire time since starting his special diet. Moreover, to me this implies, he stopped feeling great after a while.
My wife lives vegan as well (since ~ 20 years now) and she also takes care to eat enough protein as well, mainly from tofu, dried soja chunks or some fridged chicken-ish chunks with high protein content from the local grocery store. She also is supplementing B12 and iodine.
Exactly, when your wife realised she needs to slightly alter her diet she altered it, within her chosen confines, not doubled down and continued as her health declined.
Anything can be bad if you overdo it and ignore the warning signs. I bet even this Carnivore diet can be done in a relatively healthy way, with alterations made along the way.
No? You actually require plant matter in your diet if you want to live a normal life span. When the Inuit, who traditionally had a meat based diet, were connected with modern society and canned plant foods theor average life span increased decades.
Ypu don’t need meat in your diet but you do need plants.
If in a prison an inmate was forced to eat 9 pounds of butter and fats a day, it would be considered a crime against humanity
‘carnivore’ - yeah right. Is this a thing in developed countries? No carnivore ive ever known has had that kind of diet.
So assuming he hate quarter pounders that like 12 burgers a day minimum. Bruh wtf.