• octopus_ink@lemmy.ml
    28 days ago

    I haven’t looked at the link yet, but whenever there’s a call for bodycam footage and police don’t wanna, it ALWAYS exposes that they lied in their initial report. ALWAYS.

    Wanna build some trust back police? Stop LYING as your first reflex when something you don’t like goes down.

    I will go read the link now, and we’ll see if I am going to have to eat crow about the contents. I don’t have much in the way of worry.

    Edit: No crow yet, the article only covers that the finally released it. I remain unworried.

    Edit2: Ah there’s the video. Don’t know if I missed it or if the embed didn’t load the first time.

    Edit3: I saw no gun, just a guy running for his life, and another guy really thankful he didn’t get executed while laying down. The cop even says he “thinks” there was a gun. As soon as he says that and that it was sliver, the kid on the ground is even like “nope” - you can hear in his voice he just plain knows the cop is wrong.