Not everyone can, or needs to, be on the front lines and in the trenches shooting CEOs and blowing up pipelines, there are many other ways to help and organise which are essential not only to the resistance, but as building blocks for a better future


1 Title image says “How to resist an oligarchy” and has a drawing of 5 smiling people holding up their arms in a welcoming gesture

2 There are photos of trump, musk, zuc, and bezos next to text:


a small group of people having control of a country, organization, or institution."

Their Goal:

For us to be overwhelmed, to ignore/avoid the growing information, and to feel helpless.

Our Goal:

Learn and focus on what we CAN do instead of why we can’t."

3 text in a stylised frame says:

“Note: These suggestions are nothing new and may have to adapt to any environmental, governmental, and social changes that occur.”

4 Drawing of a person holding a trey of freshly baked cookies, next to them is text:


If your calling is hiding ppl, driving women to clinics, mailing BC, or any illegal morally good activity, be paranoid.

Social media is not your friend. Zuck, Blue Sky, etc. will sell you out.

In order to be a Jane, you have to assume your life, lives of your Family/friends, and lives of the ones you are helping are in mortal danger.

As soon as you blast, “I’ll hide Ann in my attic,” you are no longer safe and not useful for this kind of work."

5 Drawing of a person handing out pamphlets to others, next to them is text:


This can be done by printing info. or providing online links.

For groups and orgs that can take the heat, such as Planned Parenthood, sharing and boosting their posts can be helpful.

If your calling is to print up red cards/make pamphlets, then anywhere you place this info is going to be targeted for destruction of materials.

Regularly drop off info and find new ways to get the word out. For smaller groups that need to stay somewhat obscure, be selective about sharing info."

6 There are 3 photos from mass demonstrations, between them is text:


Marches can be used for paying attention to which groups are attending.

Any group showing up with a banner is putting a giant target on themselves and they are going to need support. Volunteering with, or sending money helps them to continue showing up.

The focus of a march is disruption which can potentially lead to becoming a target.

Don’t bring your phone. Don’t share faces. Bring water and medical supplies.

Be prepared to be pepper sprayed, smoke bombed, hit by a baton, harassed if your face is passed around among fascists, and/or arrested/imprisoned."

7 Drawing of a person in camo, a paramedic, and a person adjusting their glasses, next to them is text:


These come in many forms: building, first aid, critical thinking, self defense, fact checking, science, map reading, psychology etc.

Anything that can help the quiet subversive, the information distributer, the marcher etc. etc. be more effective; keep up the good work of long threads and videos.

If you are not an expert, share media and videos from credible experts."

8 Drawing of a table with food on it, there are 3 people in line holding plates and 2 more serving up the food, above it is text:


Soup kitchens, shelters, anywhere and everywhere people or animals are in need. Any and all good works towards our neighbors is resistance."

9 Drawing of a person curled up looking cosy, holding a pen and pad. There is also an image of the relevant book cover to the text beside it:


Rest can be resistance.

From what I understand, it is about self care for the long haul.

For more information, I recommend reading “Rest is Resistance” by Tricia Hersey


Paint, write, draw, graffiti, design, music, videos, comedy.

If you are a creative person, use it to spread awareness, help raise funds, etc."

10 3 photos of places of worship, beside them is text:


Historically, churches/synagogues/ mosques/temples have been a safe-ish place to gather in large groups and organize.

Anyone familiar with the history of black churches, or churches under Fascism, know there is potential for great good but also a risk of the church being burned, raided, bombed, or leaders being rounded up.

Whether you are a theist or atheist, consider finding a community that can gather and organize in large groups and become a regular contributing member.

As of 1/22/2024 ICE is legally allowed to raid churches, hospitals, and schools under illegal immigrant suspicion. They need a JUDGE ISSUED WARRANT. YOU ARE legally allowed to look at it and demand it.

11 Drawing of a person behind a stall, a photo of a large group of people behind a Planned Parenthood banner, and an illustrated banner for The Trevor Project. Between them is text:


Every dollar has a potential to do good.

If you are able to put money towards a small business, especially if they are run by marginalized persons or groups, please do.

The billionaires won’t be hurt and it won’t stop them from aligning with Fascists but it will put money into hands of those needing to escape, needing aid, or in the hands of the above mentioned resisters."











Credit: Fablefulart

  • Nougat@fedia.ioM
    27 days ago

    It’s easy to think that military forces consist of infantry, mechanized armor, ships, planes, missiles. Your military can have all that, but without many more personnel dedicated to logistics, supply, repair, construction, engineering, technology, medical, administration - you will not win any wars.

    27 days ago

    I joined a Unitarian Universalist church last year, and it’s made a big difference in my life. UU doesn’t require anyone to believe anything besides the inherent dignity and worth of all humans. There’s some other grounding principles, but the gist is love and support one another. You can be an atheist or a theist. The organization is run democratically with transparency. It feels like a modern take on religion.

    Our UU does volunteer work at local soup kitchens, raises money for charity, helps kids learn about religions. We do different events for social justice.

    I was an atheist for 20 years, and UU repaired my relationship with god and community. Each of us has their own beliefs, but it feels like liberal democracy enshrined in a belief system. Even if the extremist take other aspects of our lives, I have faith in my local UU community.

      27 days ago

      I’m happy that you found your people. I’m personally much more invested in the rights of workers and general humanist values, and I belong in those trenches

      27 days ago

      I’m an atheist but I really respect the UUs. They do good work. :)) I’ve had many UU friends and their church near me in college had an absolutely massive pride flag out front. It was awesome.

    • ShareMySims@lemmy.dbzer0.comOP
      27 days ago

      I’d actually considered going to one myself to see what they were all about, but the nearest UU to me is quite a way away and I’m not able to travel, so it never materialised. I don’t believe in god and don’t have a relationship to repair, but don’t have issue with individuals who do (my issue lies with organised religion, not personal belief), and I think groups that bring communities together (and without the pressure of having the same religious beliefs) like that are vital in building solidarity.

    27 days ago

    (In the ‘Churchgoer’ slide I think you have the wrong year on the bit about ICE)

    One group you’ve missed that I think can do a lot of good are what you might call ‘Interference’. Basically finding ways to make the system less efficient and effective. The resistance manual that’s been going round has some ideas, but there’s also basic stuff that can gum up the processes they use to be evil.

    If they start a tip line to identify a certain class of individual, send them tips. Lots of tips. Make them plausible so they have to divert time and energy to investigting them.

    If you see an official vehicle when you’re travelling, obstruct it as much as could plausibly not be deliberate. Drive slowly and brake harder than you need to. In fact, do that anytime you can cause a nuisance.

    Slow productivity anywhere you can. If you have to interact with a business that supports the oligarcy, do everything you can to reduce their efficiency. Call them repeatedly for minor things and talk for as long as possible. Place orders and then cancel them after they’ve started fulfilment. Return things.

    Be sand in the cogs of the system without exposing yourself to direct physical danger. None of these things will end the threat on their own, but they make it easier for others to resist and add up if many people do them. If you’re working online use protection. A good, ideally foreign and non-logging, VPN helps, TOR also helps, but you should always assume these things c`n be compromised, so stack them.

    27 days ago

    If churches, synagogues, schools etc. are now unsafe from ICE raids it’s time people thought about making safehouses if they want to help resistance – but how many modern homes have basements or attics that can have easily-hidden access?

    I’ve been thinking, could supporters outside of the US offer mailing services for mifepristone etc. via stealth via sending baked goods, keychains with hollow storage or similar that can obscure pills within? Such measures will likely be necessary to keep supplies available in restricted states. Someone should organize a covert sign-up system for women to request mailings from outside the country.

    • ShareMySims@lemmy.dbzer0.comOP
      27 days ago

      That’s a really good idea, unfortunately I’m not in a position to handle the logistics of something like that myself, but I’d 100% be up for donating funds and even posting medication to the US if something like that was happening.

    27 days ago

    Dunno how much it counts, but I’m looking into contributing to projects like ActivityPub implementations to hopefully help improve our lovely little platforms, and perhaps gather more users.

    I’d like to be a marcher, but I need to gather my wits real quick first.

    • ShareMySims@lemmy.dbzer0.comOP
      27 days ago

      Having and maintaining a platform to safely communicate on is important, but we can’t forget that lemmy isn’t secure, so consider supporting (or promoting amongst your peers) platforms that are, too.

      As for marching, if that is really where you think you could help most, train! build strength, learn how to use cold and hot weapons, learn basic first aid, learn how to disarm smoke bombs and other weapons the cops may use against you, and remember - being a marcher still doesn’t mean being at the front line, you can be at the back helping those who are injured, who have gone in to shock, or who need their energy replenished. There is plenty to do, and we need everyone!

    • Nougat@fedia.ioM
      26 days ago

      I’d like to be a marcher, but I need to gather my wits real quick first.

      Getting in the right mindset will not only enable you to take action; it will also make the actions you take more effective.

      But – odds are that nobody is ever going to be “ready” for what’s coming, and at some point you’ll need to dive in while carrying some uncertainty. That’s another reason why all efforts great and small are important. Every individual can draw on moral support from the whole.

      Together, we are greater than the sum of our parts.