I wish our species placed more value in “increasing human knowledge.”
They do… if it increases money.
Well, duh? I meant that I wish we as a species valued the pure pursuit of knowledge.
I think there’s merit in learning something new, whatever that may be, and regardless of whether it will make some asshole more money.
I was being funny. 😊
And I agree with you about valuing learning for the sake of learning and not for profit.
Something new doesn’t necessarily provide a value to society, for example: a new exoplanet in a distant, uninhabitable system or a gas giant orbiting a dwarf star thousands of light-years away.
There is value in simply knowing a fact that was not known before. And you never can know when that “useless fact” might lead to something you’d find “valuable.”
Okay, so elaborate what i said provides value then.
Learning about characteristics of any new planets: Size, temperature, chemical makeup, etc. Increases our understanding of physics or confirms our current theories. “Oh I didn’t know gas Giants could be this small!” “We’re noticing a lot more exo gas Giants then we predicted, is our measurements off? Maybe our understanding of how solar systems form is incomplete?”
This has direct impact on research on global warming or even terraforming nearby planets. And indirect impact on countless other forms of research that require a deep understanding of physics.
I say all this not to change your mind, since you seem pretty set in your ways. But more for others who might follow this thread
No, you changed my mind. Appreciate your elaboration!
Jesus Christ.
Ok thanks.
I have the suspicion that this position doesn’t consist of too much scientific work.
that’s a very scientific observation, I want to fill a position at my bar. Send me a message if you’re interested.
Eh, cooking is chemistry.
Why is there an orange filter suddenly?
The more aged their ingredients are the more biology there is.
I know a guy who went on to use his degree as a food scientist at butterball turkey and I always thought that was pretty cool.
Read that as Biomedical sadness. :(
I do CAD and web dev - have been bombarded with “job offers” to get me to operate forklifts and or trucks for 10 years now. Even did an interview once where I didn’t even know that was the job until after the interview.
maybe they want to create a sick forklift website
The expertise overlap between Biomedical Scientist and Grilled Steak Cook is probably significative, though not in the value-added complex parts of the former.
(Mainly I’m expecting that knowledge of biology might actually be useful for the latter, but I might just be totally wrong).