Been watching a lot of PeterDraws’ doodling videos on YT. I have been a fan of his art since he started years ago. This piece is inspired by his style with some of my style mixed in. These are really fun to do (this one was originally a test piece). This is meant to be somewhat abstract and not represent anything intentionally, maybe subconsciously. Over the course of drawing this (about 2 hours), things start to look a bit recognizable. That is when I either make it look like what it is starting to look like or change it.

Etymology: Flummadiddle is something that is foolish or nonsense, completely random. It is also this early American baked dish made of stale bread, pork fat, molasses, cinnamon and other spices. The title is a play on words to describe this doodle as not making any sense.

Link to the Procreate timelapse of my art: Flumadoodle

Thoughts appreciated.

  • Marafon
    16 days ago

    I really dig this. You should frame it and put it on your wall, or sell it, or burn it in the desert on a moonless night. What I’m trying to say is excellent work, friend.