French President Emmanuel Macron publicly corrected Donald Trump in the Oval Office after Trump falsely claimed Europe was only “loaning” money to Ukraine.
Macron clarified that Europe provided 60% of Ukraine’s wartime aid as grants and guarantees, not loans. Trump smirked but did not contest the correction.
The exchange came as Trump softened his stance on Russia, including voting against a UN resolution for Russia’s withdrawal from Ukraine.
Let’s try a brutal hipcheck next?
The truth doesn’t matter to Trump, his cabinet nor his supporters. When will the media learn this?
This. They do not care about facts or logic unless it serves their agenda. Truth is wholly malleable to these lunatics.
That doesn’t mean people shouldn’t be fact-checking him. You won’t sway the faithful, but you can knock some sense into the unaligned.
Fair point. But fact checking isn’t exactly BRUTAL. The language of modern journalism rarely reflects the current state of US politics.
You’re not going to get any argument from me about the scourge of sensationalized headlines.
Media won’t learn when the orange creamsicle is banning good journalist outlets that question the presidents motives, and allowing only puppet outlets.
I guess you missed when they banned AP for using Gulf of Mexico, and added the “new media seat” to the white house press corps?
“Leavitt said that the seat will be shared among an ideologically diverse set of outlets, including Beltway news website Axios and right-wing outlet Breitbart, both of which have been represented for years at the White House without having a permanent briefing seat.”
Most of the journalists working for corporate media will be perfectly fine being puppets. They already are.
Corporate media doesn’t give a shit, this is easy soundbites for them.
what the actual fuck. we voted against russia withdrawing form ukraine. no offense fellow americans but I hate an aweful lot of you. If your a great person in every other way and you voted for this. well your still an asshole.
Only 28% of American adults voted for this. I voted against fascist every chance I could over the last 8 years and now I am trying to move my family out of the US to escape this neonazi dumpster fire… So please don’t hate us all
yeah there is a reason I said voted for it. I did not even add or did not vote against it so I feel I was being pretty restrained in my comment limiting to half the ones who brought him to the position actively and not the ones who did through apathy. I unfortunately are not in position to move out.
deleted by creator
Oh, don’t worry. We hate them too
Literally the most polite possible interaction by Macron.
Outrage farming media - “BRUTAL FACT CHECK”
He didn’t SLAM him, so I can’t take the headline seriously
It is to the French. That’s a very typical slam.
Toss in slamming someone in a diplomatic meeting is done with a lot different language than on the street corner and yelling “In your face!”
Or in a classroom saying “boom! Got em!” After your classmate realized you’re the one who swapped chairs cause you had the one who had the chair that made fart noises.
How does it compare to BLASTING, though?
Turn the volume down, it’s going to hurt your ears.
Sadly it’s more than most people have done, and that’s including the media.
What so calling lies out is brutal now? The fuck did we come to this? Macron did what any reasonable person should do; touch his leg like “oh, you poor stupid thing” and Trump didnt shatter. He hobbled and agreed like the idiot old man he is.
Wait… He wasn’t even SLAMMED?!
To the French, that was very much a slam. Logic over optics.
Not only Trump’s argument was bullshit, it also shows to the world that he is incapable of understanding the concept of doing the right thing if it doesn’t profit him in some way. The man is completely devoid of compassion and does not understand the struggles of anyone who isn’t in his position as a billionaire.
To him, the only struggle that matters is the “struggle” of billionaires like him who might have to give some money back to the society that made their fortune and to reduce human suffering. When you hear him talk, you can clearly tell that in his mind, paying taxes is the worst atrocity to ever exist and no sacrifice is too big to remedy that. He will happily feed an entire country into the clutches of a brutal autocracy and destroy an entire government that people depend on to not starve to death just so he and other billionaires like him can pay lower taxes.
Stop voting for rich people. They are completely disconnected from reality and clearly mentally ill.
“Man does thing everyone should have been doing to every idiot in power for decades.”
It won’t matter to all of the people who have doubled down on Trump
I mean yes, but it does matter to me. I want to see more gov’t authorities call him on his shit
Yes, but we can’t expect to argue fascists out of fascism, whether they’re leaders or followers.
Trump smirked as he was called out in real time and shook his hand to suggest the 60 percent figure was not precise. He then appeared to mouth “OK” and smirked as his French counterpart continued his fact-check.
Fascists will just smirk at your attachment to reason and truth, while loading their guns. Fascism has to be fought in other ways.
and I agree with that. If the French president pistol whipped him and finished the job I would’ve had even greater things to say, however, as someone without any amount of power comparable to that level of government, I’ll take what I can get.
I wish I could upvote this single statement more!!
It’s important that the few remaining civilized world leaders be seen to be unintimidated by Trump and Putin. It helps to break through his facade of being an invincible bully.
brutally fact checks
This administration is going to kill so many people and liberals are just going to wag their fingers
What do you suggest a president do during a diplomatic meeting with another president other than saying words?
Take a swing at him.
Well its good you’re not a diplomat.
The world would be a very different place if Trump couldn’t safely approach a foreign leader without getting his fists up.
It would be very different. It would be a place without diplomacy. Agreeing to not attack diplomats is the most important prerequisite for diplomacy.
If you can’t send someone to talk things out then war is the first and only way for nations to resolve any conflict. I don’t think you want to live in that world.
As much as I despise Macron, that was pretty nice to see. Can’t wait for the flood of nonsense from Trump about it.
Isn’t Macron the one that matched Trump’s ridiculous handshake in the first term?
Oh, I just searched and apparently they did the same handshake battle yesterday lol
Holy shit the quote from Trudeau in that video aged poorly: “Canada and the United States will forever be a model example of how to be good neighbours”
I wonder what’s the point of these hyperbolic articles everytime Trump gets slightly rebuked by someone. Best case scenario we all get a giggle out of it and move on, worst case scenario the world’s oldest baby throws a tantrum and starts a war with France over his bruised ego
It shows that someone is pushing back on his lies, instead of the narrative that zero people are.
It indicates that you can’t lie all the time.
It makes libs feel like they’re resisting when they’ve been collaborating all along.
The funniest thing was Trumps reaction.
He couldn’t keep the ridiculous stone face, and when attempting to make a smirk and eye-roll to show disregard or whatever that juvenile expression is supposed to show, he couldn’t even do that with any confidence.
lmfao watch the video
Oh yeah. So brutal. Brutally touching each other. Touch me more brutally Donny
Ngl, I’d like to see just a tiny bit more brutality in the next face check. Macron was downright civil.
More of this from everyone please.
I’m not a fan of Macron, but at least he’s willing to call bullshit when bullshit is presented to him.