Talent = composers. So music will be amazing but no guarantees on anything else.
was xenoblade music any good? I remember everty ct track but I remember not much about any aspect of xenoblade. I guess it was from a very pirate friendly era so most games only got a single playthrough as I could get essentially all of them, whereas chrono trigger I replayed almost as much as final fantasy 6 and donkey kong country 2.
Yes, the Xenoblade soundtracks are quite popular in the genre fandom. That said, they all were big projects with multiple composers attached, not just Mitsuda and Abounnasr.
Never finished edge of Eternity. Hope the new talent helps them do more interresting games, at least for me. I think i was bored by the story, even though i didn’t give it a chance to develope, but the beginning wasn’t interresting enough. And the battle system…i need to start it again to tell more about it, just i didn’t thought it’s interresting enough.
To be fair i don’t remember much of it. My memory could just safed it as to mid