The Orville s3e5 “A Tale of Two Topas”
I have respect for how the Orville turned both Isaac and Gordon around from the most annoying characters on the show to some of the best.
It all boils down to that sandwich.
Gordon still feels like a weak link to me, he is on the show because he’s MacFarlane’s friend, after all.
But Gordon certainly has some good content. The whole leg gag is still amazing to me. And “This family is stronger than time.” still hurts even though they went back to the 21st century girl well two times too many.
It’s just a bummer that Alara actor Halston Sage couldn’t be there for much of season 3.
Don’t date the boss, don’t copy Star Trek THAT closely!
I honestly forgot about that. It’s been a while since I’ve watched Orville, but remembering that, I agree.
i love Isaac so much. I just got done with s3e8 I think it was and
Tap for spoiler
i was so sad that Isaac can’t feel emotions for longer than a few minutes. its not fair, that was so cute and I want more of it. ugh.
They made some great choices for Isaac’s journey.
Not to mention, that’s the Dolly episode!
Dolly was amazing, I was surprised that she found the time to come on the show!
She found out an entire alien race elevated her to the status of godhood as a feminist icon. How could she refuse? :P
To this day, male and female Moclans brawling in the street to the tune of 9 to 5 is one of the biggest laughs I’ve ever gotten out of science fiction.
To this day, male and female Moclans brawling in the street to the tune of 9 to 5 is one of the biggest laughs I’ve ever gotten out of science fiction.
“You can’t score an epic space and land battle to Dolly Parton.”
MacFarlane: Oh yeah? Watch me.