Is one fucking punctuation mark so much to ask for?
Dating apps aren’t working time, alright.
I see two! One apostrophe, one full stop. Neither is fucking as far as I can tell.
Agreed, though. Last time this was posted I found it incomprehensible until I read the comments.
Are you trying to meet a 60-year-old divorced guy?
Or, from what I’ve seen younger guys obsessed with WW2 are generally not the best partners either
Haven’t tried dating him obv but this guy seems nice
He does for sure. I know that some aren’t going to be bad picks, hence the “generally”. That being said. That dudes authenticity is something I love
Use some punctuation.
Maybe I’m in the minority here, but I feel like this kind of conveys tone—it’s like a new language adaptation to the Internet age. I’m very big on grammar and proper punctuation, but I will do this on occasion to make a joke. Maybe that’s just me and the way I’ve adapted to reading memes, and maybe I bastardized what was actually just shitty communication to be something useful. Maybe no one I ever use this style on actually reads it the way I intend it, and I never thought about it until just now, reading people being upset over this. Is anyone else with me here? Because now I’m really wondering if this is all in my head
new language adaptation to the Internet age
Stop pandering to idiots.
I had to find my nerdy wife on craigslist. She did like going to wings over the Rockies with me tho
Which section of Craigslist?
Wedding dresses.
Here we go again.