I thought this was a crippling failure because it was woke or something?
I’d expect it to be a failure because it’s a 70$ ubishit paint-by-numbers, but I’ll find out in two years when it’s 15$
Yeah, I was utterly shocked at the price. £70 to download or £56 on disk.
The last Assassins Creed I played was Odyssey and that was well after release so I paid a far more reasonable £30 or so.
They’ve also kind of devalued them by giving the old ones for free. I got Black Flag and Unity for nothing that I haven’t gotten around to playing yet; Unity’s graphics still looks better than the recent ones, scope and world size notwithstanding.
It’s a failure because it’s trash. The game is honestly laughably bad.
So I wonder where all the players come from.
Did you play it?
I don’t spend money so loosely like that. Ubisoft is no longer trustworthy, so no.
Instead, I watched gameplay from it, which tells me everything I need to know. Helps with avoiding wasting money on mediocre AAAA releases.
Right so you didnt play it though, therefore your opinion is largely worthless tbf
So… Imagine I want to buy a car, but I find out it’s an incredibly unsafe car through listening to the user experiences of people who’ve had issues with it… But my opinion is invalid because I haven’t bought the car?
I have another one for you; your opinion is invalid because you’re a fanboy. Game is trash and you’re too stupid to see it.
Cars have ncaap ratings from qualified professionals who actually crash test them and publish the results, maybe listen to them instead when buying a car.
Yes. My point. Thank you for proving it.
Hard for me to argue, as I never liked any Assassin Creed video game, lol.
Just reporting on what seems to be said in my circle.
As much as I would be happy for Ubisoft to have a success, they really need one, I just don’t trust unverifiable number. I always want to know metrics and data.
Ubisoft can tell us everything. And what does 2 million players really mean? How many of them refunded the game in the 2h at Steam for example? How many are players who, for an hour or two, looked into the game as part of their Ubisoft gamepass equivalent? 2 million players can mean all kind of things. It doesn’t say much really about the success.
Kinda surprised it’s not terrible tbh. Was expecting them to screw it up somehow.
Yeah, I’m surprised Ubisoft can make a half decent game.
That’s fun, conservative friend of mine told me just this morning about how it was a huge failure with a ridiculous amount of simultaneous players.
Ever AC since black flag was terrible in my opinion, with the exception of Valhalla, which was a shit AC, but a damn fun brawler. So I don’t put a lot of faith into this one.
Valhalla was shit too. Raiding a place? Couldn’t even kill innocents. Didn’t they do any research into vikings? They struck gold with black flag, the rest was all shit and massive bug simulators.
Valhalla combat was very fun. Raiding a place with your viking troop did feel really good.
Such a basic ass response and let’s be honest, black flag? It’s not that great, it was just a cool pirate fantasy, shite AC game. AC origins, mirage and unity were infinitely better than black flag as ac games
Ah yes, Unity, the one which was literally unplayable due to all the bugs. I received a free Far Cry game because they were so sorry it was so shit. Origins was ok, except for the bugs, but missed the ships aspect which black flag had and riding through the desert took waaaay to long. Travel times increased with the bigger maps but not the content value. They just add more collectibles, making the games terribly tedious.
Yeah bud, you just wanted a pirate game, you don’t know what assassin’s creed even is, granted the Devs don’t either half the time, but I doubt you do. Played every single one since the beginning of the franchise and ac4 was a fun pirate game, not a good AC game, unity and origins are decent to great AC games because they embody what it is. Sure there WERE bugs at launch which has nothing to do with the argument whatsoever of what makes a good AC game. You ac4 and Valhalla dorks are what’s enshitifying the franchise
I’m not into pirates, Black Flag was structurally a proper and balanced game. I have played every AC game up to Valhalla, after that I wa done with the crappy gameplay. Sure, I might not understand the game, even though I played it since the beginning and loved the out of animus story next to the in animus stories (with black flag being the last good one, with 3 being shit as well), I may not understand any game at all, I’ve only have over 700 games in my steam library not counting all the other launchers.
At least you’re happy with poorly developed money grab games with endless collectibles and massive maps with barily any proper content other then copy paste grinding spots. I expect more from devs and in the past 10 years, if nog more, only Larian Studios truly delivered when it comes to triple A games.
Black Flag was structurally a proper and balanced game. I have played every AC game up to Valhalla
If this is the case your opinion just is stupid full stop. Black flags isn’t a proper and balanced game and you sure we hell haven’t played all the assassin’s creed let alone had a clue what’s going on. I don’t need to change your opinion, just that opinion is about the game that literally started the enshitifying of assassin creed. Ac3 was the last technical proper ac storyline game and black flag was a fun pirate game with an ac sticker on it
You just won the troll awards, congrats
Oh yeah, should’ve said that. AC wasn’t a good AC, but a great game, unlike everything that followed it except valhalla.
I got excited after hearing how much people love this one, I usually play every ~5 or so they release and just pick out the best, but sadly the performance was so bad I had to refund it. I have a bit better than the minimum specs on steam (and the minimum specs are a ryzen 5 and gtx 1070, shouldn’t this be the standard target?) and ran everything at low, 1080p, and couldn’t get past 15fps.
There are better looking games from ~5-10 years ago I can run at 1440p or even 4k 60fps on high settings, I wish game studios would stop trying to go for the most intensive possible graphics effects with how diminished the returns are for it.
What are you running, I was playing this on my steam deck and it looked really good with a solid 30 fps. I have a B580 in my main pc and have been bumping settings up from medium to a mix of medium high with ambient and specular RT on and I’m still getting 75fps without framegen or upscaling at 1080p. Xess and FG hits 120+. Not bad for a £250 card.
I also play on SteamDeck but it isn’t constant 30 fps at all. Still completely playable without question but I get a lot of drops down to 20 fps as stuff loads in.
Are you playing from an SD card? I get a couple of little drops but no extended issues.
Yes from a class 10 micro sd card (64 GB model, which is painfully limiting due to shader caches having to be on the ssd)
If it were doing well, one might think they’d share sales figures instead.
To clarify, sales figures don’t exist anymore because you have to count the people who take a $20 sub to ubisoft to play this instead of buying it.
I realize that, but I find it a worthless stat because the numbers are more easily massaged, which is of course partly the point. A different measurement, which paints a less flattering picture, is concurrent players on Steam. I realize that the game will pull players from other places, but comparing it to other games in the same situation doesn’t render favorable results; something which Ubisoft would prefer you didn’t know, as is evident by their asking Valve to obfuscate these statistics in the past.
That is not the standard launch metric in the industry, that comes in quarterly earnings calls. Are you one of the go woke go broke brigade?
I’m part of the “I don’t think this game is doing nearly as well as Ubisoft needs it to” “brigade,” but thank you very much for slinging baseless accusations.
Good point.
players, not sales. big difference
Mac users are excited too, it came out day one.
Ubisoft themselves admit it didn’t get the optimization work it needs tho, and that they plan to do further updates.