By Oct. 1, all Canadians will be required to use the entrance to the Haskell Free Library and Opera House on Canada’s side of the border, the U.S. government said.
Archived version:
Disclaimer: The article linked is from a single source with a single perspective. Make sure to cross-check information against multiple sources to get a comprehensive view on the situation.
Another day, another policy announcement from the office of the Toddler-in-chief.
@WatDabney @BrikoX that’s it!! he’s now TIC47
They should build a Canadian entrance and then board up the American one.
Or, tear down the Canadian side and leave a gaping hole?
How has it come to this? Fuck.
@JohnnyCanuck @BrikoX
better yet, use the canadian side to make big glorious displays of ALL the things Canada accepts which the US is literally making criminal… such as LGBTQ+ literature and signage. Heck. Made a table display of books on growing and using the pot plant.
Oh noooo! Not the library!!! Now Canada will have to agree to be annexed /s