I decided to try my hand at doing a planet. Turned out okay! Not 100% happy with how all of the surface detail looks but overall I’m pretty satisfied still.

“In ancient times, men built wonders, laid claim to the stars and sought to better themselves for the good of all. But we are much wiser now.”

Mars, fourth from Sol. Birthplace of the Adeptus Mechanicus, the secretive priesthood that regulates the distribution and use of technology in Imperial space.

The Red Planet was the first of forge worlds, established by the nascent machine cult to safeguard technology and knowledge through the long millenia of the Age of Strife. Ever since Mars has been the strategic and economical center of the tech-priests’ operations, supplying innumerable weapons, vehicles and equipment to the ravenous war machine that is the Imperium of Man.

The planet is ringed by great shipyards that labour endlessly to maintain and reinforce the Imperium’s fleets and, in towering hive-factories that rise up as iron mountains through the lethally polluted atmosphere, billions of menials, enginseers and technomancers do their holy work to research, assemble and repurpose ancient tech-lore for use in this new, darker age.

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  • JohnDClay
    1 year ago

    I love this! The ring and enormous manufactorum dwarfing even huge hive cities. Great!