• Franzia
    89 months ago

    This means we are currently getting the worst of both worlds from Bing, an AI tool that will refuse to generate a nipple but is supercharging 4chan racists.

    Holy shit I’m laughing so hard. I really wanna do a campaign lile this but not for evil. Why do the arts and craftsy types have to be far right trolls? A lot of leftists also hate AI… But we haven’t jumped at the opportunity to ruin AI or Bing or these shitty new social medias that are competing against the ones we like. Wtf? We’re lame.

    • @[email protected]
      9 months ago

      They are not arts and craftsy types, they are lemmings that will follow the one person in their group that has a good idea.

      They literally do things like this because they are NOT creative, this is why they are famous for brigading, because most of them don’t have a single thought in their head that they didn’t get from being terminally online, so will gladly follow along with anything the few of them that can manage an original thought suggest.

      Most of them aren’t even right wing, they don’t care about politics at all, they just know that this sort of behaviour makes people angry, and/or have been given brain worms from spending too much time in online spaces infected with right wing grifters.

    • @[email protected]OPM
      9 months ago

      I’d rather say we stick to our principles. The right-wing thinks all morals, ethics and principles are fake in order to make personal gains, while the left-wing - more often than not - means what it says. So most leftists won’t touch a tool that they deem unethical.

      Even in the case of Microsoft and Bing it seems apparent to me what is going on: Right-wingers will endlessly harp on about Microsoft being evil, being part of a cabal that rules Silicon Valley and engage in censorship in order to oppress them. Yet the moment Microsoft releases a tool that could be useful for them, they will instantly go use it.

      • Franzia
        9 months ago

        Yea, there’s no better answer than what you’ve said.

  • Mario_Dies.wav
    79 months ago

    I know I’m preaching to the choir here, but 4chan is a blight. I cannot stress this enough.

  • Maeve
    59 months ago

    For 20 years, when they’re good, they’re good; when their bad, they’re entirely all the way f’d up.

    • @jws_shadotak
      69 months ago

      I thought this was a good article. It’s not AI generated text or a big header with no substance in the body. It’s an actual article.

      Why don’t you like 404media?

      • @Klystron
        39 months ago

        Probably because it covers edgy topics, like this and nsfw chatbots. I think the topics are pretty ridiculous so they’re funny. I’ve enjoyed reading 404.