Concepts like freedom, anarchy, and dystopia, etc have been expounded in numerous non-fiction scholarly and popular works. I read some and understood most of them.

But, whenever it is about feeling them, I go back to fiction. Take dystopia as an example. What is a more complete dystopia than the Orwellian ones where there’s no light on the other end of a long tunnel of darkness and torment?

Similarly, V for Vendetta gives me a more acute emotional understanding of freedom, and anarchy than anything. That is why, I re-read V for Vendetta this time every year, intended to finish by 5th November.

Maybe there are fellow readers here who would like to discuss/appreciate/criticize V for Vendetta. Let our thoughts flourish!

    1 year ago

    People today are so spoiled… I had to buy that one month at a time. :) It took 10 MONTHS to get the whole story…

    And us Americans were the LUCKY ones, it was originally printed in Warrior Magazine in the UK which went out of business before the story finished.

    It took 4 years for the UK readers to get past part 12: The Verdict.