Almost finished setting up my new OS, it’s gonna be my main (dual booting with Windows on separate disk). Tokyo Night theme for GTK, xfce terminal, btop and vim. Papirus Dark icons.
You literally created a new Stockphoto for the news if they talk about “hacking”(that looks cool as hell).
Thanks a lot!
Look’s futuristic 😍
Tokyo night theme looks very similar to Atom’s One Dark theme. Is there a connection between these two?
Honestly I have no idea.
Looks great, is that XFCE?
It is indeed!
It is indeed, I tried to go straight WM (i3) but I’m not used to it so I installed xfce which I’m familiar with (I’m also using it on my server running Lubuntu).
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How is EndeavourOS? My main desktop is running Ubuntu (I stuck with it as I’m quite familiar with the debian package managers), but I have a laptop I’m looking to fart around in once my Pi arrives and I can move PiHole to it.
I was thinking Arch, but I’m open to giving EOS a try.
I really enjoy EndeavourOS, even as someone who considers themselves a Fedora homer.
It’s by far the best experience I’ve had with Arch. User-friendly without holding your hand, with all the positives of Arch and AUR
@BaconIsAVeg @Digester Unless you plan on using that laptop daily, I’d say to not put Arch on it. Stick to something you like, the differences between distros are mostly in the way they deliver updates and the existing packages that come with it.
I don’t really have a need to use a laptop at all, however it’s getting janky on my main machine when I want to try something new and break a ton of stuff, then I’m up until 4am fixing it using w3m from a terminal before work the next day.
It’s more of a sandbox.
Honestly, I don’t care too much about the underlying distro at this point. I switched from Gnome to bspwm last night with polybar and it’s like a whole new world that satisfies the itch I haven’t felt back since the early Enlightenment days.
Unless you plan on using that laptop daily, I’d say to not put Arch on it.
Ha, you’re right. I did end up installing it on my 13" laptop, and after a few minutes without issues decided to #yolo it onto my main machine and blow away my Ubuntu install. Loving it so far, and yeah the frequency of AUR updates is impressive.
My recommendation would be to have Linux on the 500gb drive and then install windows directly on the other drive without partitioning. I wouldn’t install Linux on a partition as Windows likes to mess with the bootloader but if Linux is on it’s own drive you can always boot it from EFI without issues.