I like to ask a variety of questions, sometimes silly, serious, and/or strange. Never asking in an attempt to pester or “just asking questions” stuff.
I’m generally curious and/or trying to get a sense of people’s views.
Has this been your experience?
I think [email protected] may still be having some issues? From programming.dev it seems to infinitely load, but when clicking a link to visit from another instance, or refreshing the page, it shows an error of, “couldnt_find_community”.
Have you tried throwing stuff at your human while playing to teach them to throw, not take?
That disconnect in expectations is definitely what I had in mind in asking this, yeah. One hears game, thinks fun, it doesn’t fit their idea of fun, and the game unintentionally disappoints in the process.
Or like some exhibits in a museum, but also media like Flower. It’s called a video game, but I feel like that’s for lack of a better term more than anything. It’s lovely whatever you may call it.
I knew I forgot something, sorry…I’m asking in terms of crafted, interactive activities that aren’t necessarily aiming to be fun. More like a little dry but still interesting and thought-provoking.
I’m asking about before anyone has subscribed to remote instances’ stuff, how do they find the remote instances’ stuff to begin with? Sorry, having trouble finding a clearer way to ask this without getting in the weeds
yeah, but you gave me an even better idea: fake eggs filled with even more dampening material! it would be eggstravagant!
is this how you start a polyamorous relationship?
My question is coming more from the perspective of, “i think i’d like to try voice chatting but i really don’t want to be that roommate someone wants to strangle”
but something as simple and cheap as paper egg cartons on your walls will greatly reduce how much sound gets through.
Hadn’t come across this before, thanks!
would keeping and rotating the eggs improve the sound dampening?
Get a cruise ship horn (make sure it’s rated for 140-150 decibels) and play it for the entirety of the call.
Would “TRAIN SOUNDS (true volume, horn every 5 minutes) 24-HOUR MIX” also work?
Thanks for the detailed reply! The potential complexity (depending on how much you want to do with it) is a major part of why I was asking, both in terms of use and administration.
Despite the challenges that poses and absence of mobile apps, it still sounds great, but definitely something to go in with an idea of what you do and don’t want to do with it.
Wouldn’t it be easier for everyone to instead not add such systems? After all, don’t many go for the simple logic of bigger number is better instead of doing the math?
What does MOA stand for in this context?
Any ideas how it might restore the backup on signing in without needing your key afterward if it’s E2EE? Doesn’t this call into question their E2EE claims?
I’m also making sure only to use drives whose S.M.A.R.T. can be read without removing their enclosure.
That’s a good call, which drives have you found that support this?
Thanks for the extensive response! I appreciate the perspective, particularly the nuances on peer review, and the grounded conclusion.
What do you mean by user abstraction? First I’ve seen this mentioned, or put this way.