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Cake day: 8 de junho de 2023


  • I wonder how much Beckett was inspired by this while writing Rough for Theatre II:

    B: [Hurriedly.] ‘… morbidly sensitive to the opinion of others at the time, I mean as often and for as long as they entered my awareness–’ What kind of Chinese is that? A: [Nervously.] Keep going, keep going! B: ‘… for as long as they entered my awareness, and that in either case, I mean whether such on the one hand as to give me pleasure or on the contrary on the other to cause me pain, and truth to tell–’ Shit! Where’s the verb? A: What verb? B: The main! A: I give up. B: Hold on till I find the verb and to hell with all this drivel in the middle. [Reading.] ‘… were I but … could I but …’ –Jesus!–‘… though it be … be it but…’–Christ!–ah! I have it–‘… I was unfortunately incapable …’ Done it! A: How does it run now? B: [Solemnly.] ‘… morbidly sensitive to the opinion of others at the time …’–drivel drivel drivel–‘… I was unfortunately incapable–’ [The lamp goes out. Long pause.]

  • Because we have tons of ground-level sensors, but not a lot in the upper layers of the atmosphere, I think?

    Why is this important? Weather processes are usually modelled as a set of differential equations, and you want to know the border conditions in order to solve them and obtain the state of the entire atmosphere. The atmosphere has two boundaries: the lower, which is the planet’s surface, and the upper, which is where the atmosphere ends. And since we don’t seem to have a lot of data from the upper layers, it reduces the quality of all predictions.