Bit of a mess, kinda depressed, and going through a gender identity crisis :3
(Ongoing issues, brain pls fix)
She’s what one would generally refer to as a tankie and even refers to herself as extremist, so I do believe that is the appropriate term.
Apparently to some that’s the goal. I had a chat with a leftist a while back while the US election was in full swing and she was absolutely against the concept of voting for a lesser evil, since the worse things get, the more people will turn to leftist extremism, which is a win in her book. Suffice it to say, that talk made me anything but sympathetic of her view…
That’s a simple enough message to even get it from Warhammer 40k - Gender? Skin colour? Disabilities? Doesn’t matter, pick up a Lasrifle and start shooting xenos
In my experience not just sometimes, but rather commonly. It often feels like the native Linux version, if it is even available, gets far fewer bug fixes - not like I can blame them, considering the far lower amount of Linux players, but sometimes I wonder why they even bother with it in the first place if they don’t want to bother with focusing on it, with how good Proton is.
Note that it doesn’t mean metadata is encrypted. They may not know what you sent, but they may very well know you message your mum twice a day and who your close friends are that you message often, that kinda stuff. There’s a good bit you can do with metadata about messages combined with the data they gather through other services.
The question is, what are you doing to make a difference there? Are you going out and protesting, are you actively seeking out local politicians?
You’re obviously passionate about the innocent people being hurt and killed, so I bet you are, but you could keep doing that while voting for the “lesser evil”. You could have cast your vote for Harris and then on the same day gotten right back to protesting against her policy on the war.
You have two parties that are bad, but one is obviously worse. Why not try to avoid the worst option, so your personal efforts are more effective?
It’s like trying to run a marathon and by abstaining to vote you get both your legs cut off instead of only one, because you fundamentally disagree with people getting their legs cut off. That’s a totally sensible stance, but getting to keep a leg still makes it easier to keep running and there is no secret third option where you get to keep both.
Hey, there are far worse options than Rin for doing so ;3
I bet Nintendo has a lot of patent violations to choose from. They have a patent on such bangers as, rephrased from legal speech to human speech: “An air mount automatically turning into a ground mount upon landing” Source
According to Nintendo, if I understand this correctly, they have the sole legal right to make a bird mount that can also sprint on the ground if needed, because that sure was a special idea.
Apple did take Wine (well, CrossOver, but that’s wine-based), adapted it for Macs, didn’t create a merge request for a single line of code, and ended up only advertising the new tool as a demo for how well games run on their hardware to incentivize ports, with no intent of using it as a compatibility layer for players.
There are feet in the camera’s face within… eight seconds. I’m surprised, but I can’t say I’m shocked.
Aside from that, it is a curious decision to make the first person camera a woman. I thought their target audience would be young men? It’s certainly a larger potential audience than lesbians, although hey, not like I mind that choice ;3
As a German, I’d very much like to throw the first stone at AFD-voters. And the second… and third.
With how absolutely entrenched the CDU is in our political system, this is about as bad as you could reasonably expect it to be. The CDU is an overall incredibly dominant party and the others are often competing for second place, which the AFD has gotten now. Them actually competing on that level is frankly terrifying.
It’s likely a difference of emotion compared to logic. Emotionally they’d think “Damn it, now we need to check for such a weird specific edge-case, this is so annoying” while logically knowing it’s better the tester caught it.
Yep, got Timeshift hooked up to make a snapshot each time I update my system and I can boot into them via GRUB. Haven’t needed that so far, thankfully, but it’s there just in case.
Btrfs because it sounded cool when I first read about it and worked fine so far :3
Oh yeah, that stuff is a pain and automated tests can only go so far. Also I know for me personally I do tend to neglect mobile a little just because I much prefer designing and developing for larger screens, and I doubt I’m the only one, so on mobile more will slip through the cracks when it comes to these tiny changes.
Notably modern browsers can simulate phones, tablets, TVs, really all kinds of screens. I personally use that mode a lot to test the mobile variant, but nearly all bugs are purely CSS-related (at least in my experience) when it comes to a mobile-desktop discrepancy. Either way, for food delivery and stuff like that I’d really expect the devs to develop primarily for mobile, so that’s surprising to hear.
In essence what he said was “know what you’re doing” from what I can tell. No major judgement of the behavior, but instead just a notice that one should be aware of their actions. Personally I’d love if more sites just added a ko-fi link or similar. You made good stuff? Here’s some money I can spare, and if I get even more use out of your content in the future, I’ll pay you a little more then.
The same Pinkertons that were sent after some guy who grabbed a few Magic the Gathering cards?
If you read the actual article, there are two things that stand out:
So from my understanding you may very well be correct, instead of trying to block unions through negative reinforcement, they try to block them by rewarding you for not joining one.