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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023


  • Personally, (daily user of cannabis, D8, thca, kratom, and couple drinks nightly for years) I’ve noticed a few things. I still have some (less than avg) memorable dreams using just cannabis or kratom. Since I started using D8 and thca I rarely have any dreams ever or at least ones I remember. If I do have a dream it usually has some kind of subconscious message and it’s super wild and I actually feel I have superior dream control since… Again personally I don’t care if I’m having dreams other than the fact that I think my sleep quality is lower. Honestly sometimes I think I prefer to not have dreams because I used to have hyper realistic and borderline horror nightmares as the only types of dreams I had. Oh and since smoking D8/thca on the regular the length of my dreams is noticably shorter. Which is surprising when you realize dreams aren’t typically that long any way so for me to notice this change certainly means something I would think… I really wonder if any of these things might have some type of application for people with sleep paralysis. All that said, I wouldnt recommend D8/thca to most everyone as delta9-thc is much cleaner and for most people going to be way more ideal. The only reason I got into d8 and thca is because I’m pretty poor and it’s harder to pay $10/g than 3-5/g…

  • Carry on or on you don’t put that in check bag imo. Not saying to do this at all. Also depending on how much you know about the security, if it’s just metal detectors you might be able to walk it thru on you in a smell proof container in a sock or something. How ever I wouldn’t even attempt something like that with the new 360° scanner style detectors. Those go off randomly even when your pockets are empty. Ive also never attempted such going thru customs/international borders which would likely be much riskier both in getting caught and the repercussions… like others are saying I’d really recommend scoring some that’s already in your country. Let someone else be the mule… also I never commented on this post if anyone asks js