It doesn’t count if you can’t see it!
Kelvin is the only legitimate way to measure temperature. Everything else is trivia. Duh.
So you’re saying the scandals around Kennedy’s sexual escapades and Johnson’s being a fan of showing men his penis were not enough to not get Johnson elected in 1964 because of the wave of sympathy when Kennedy was assassinated?
Because I think that was my point to begin with.
The number of times people have told me, “well SpaceX engineers have been quoted as saying he’s very competent!” Yeah, how big was their bonus after that?
Journalists were not the general public. 99% of the country had never personally interacted with him and those things were not reported in the news. They’re after-the-fact anecdotes in books.
I’m also old enough to remember when the press had the collective attitude of “let America think that the president is a good person” regardless of who was in office.
That’s a very good point! Did no one think of how the cobra felt in this situation?
Is it really a broken clock situation if you’re guilty of the very thing you’re complaining about?
Ah yes, the “people don’t get paid enough and then die” memorial.
True, but I think either shows that no one gave a shit about him.
Who would have guessed that there aren’t a lot of Bon Jovi/Kid Rock crossover fans?
I don’t think there is anything for Elon to hate Microsoft for considering he does all the same things.
The super genius apparently doesn’t hate them enough to bother using a free alternative that doesn’t have these issues.
None of these cameras measure things in Kelvin, the only temperature scale that matters. Disappointing.
Yep. Just like his tariffs. Tariffs that don’t offer alternatives to American businesses are self-inflicted wounds.
It’s not legal, but it’s kind of like owning a weed dispensary. The feds won’t do anything about it (for now in the case of dispensaries).
The difference is that weed dispensaries have the potential to help people with medical illnesses, whereas foreign bribes only have the potential to help sick people. Sick, sick people.
Nonfunctional, huh? I was able to get liquid to go from a cup, through a paper straw and into my mouth just a couple of days ago. Of course, this is the UK. Have paper straws in the U.S. lost the power to facilitate liquid transportation?
Yeah, I don’t really like how mushy paper straws can get either. You know what I dislike even more? The fact that I have enough microplastics in my body to make an entire box full of plastic straws.
I can’t speak for anyone else, but I would put “didn’t do shit at all” when you’re 19 and a whole world of possibilities is open to you in the category of “stupid” as well. Congratulations, we’re all members of the “19 and an idiot” club.
Then what would they have to complain about?
I did not make a new account and I will do that, thank you.
These workers don’t work for Shopify. Companies like Shopify contract out to call center companies. I’m not sure why that isn’t clear to you.
These people are probably not even only fielding calls for Shopify. It’s probably one of a dozen different companies they have to take calls for during their work day.
And a 30-second Superbowl ad costs $8 million.
The worst part is, now that America has really showed its true underbelly, he’ll probably make all of that back plus a tidy profit.
No. Sorry. You don’t just become a Nazi. He was just better at hiding it.