Gotcha, yeah, many people seem on board with a merge, but given that some people aren’t and it’s not particularly close to unanimous I don’t think we will be doing it. Thanks for the feedback!
If you’re interested in assisting moderation of any of the communities I moderate/own shoot me a message.
Gotcha, yeah, many people seem on board with a merge, but given that some people aren’t and it’s not particularly close to unanimous I don’t think we will be doing it. Thanks for the feedback!
Sorry, I was away for a few days, adding you now.
It’s all good, I’ve added you back. Traffic has definitely fallen off in the offseason, but I didn’t want to just have a list of 10 mods with 8 of them being inactive haha. If you do not want to mod you can let me know and I’ll remove you again. Thanks for the reply.
So it would seem, would you like to be added as a mod? I see you active and working on game threads
I mean, I’m not leaning more one way than the other, it just seemed like a reasonable proposal to put it all under one roof. I consulted the community for a reason, it isn’t just my opinion that matters regardless. Thank you for the input.
That’s fair, but do you really feel there needs to be two co-existing communities for the same thing with less than 5k people in this one?
I am actually the one that gave you PS5 haha, but thanks for the input
May I ask when you were banned? Because YoBuckStopsHere only recently became the owner of the community, it may have been the prior mods/owners that did it.
They want an echo chamber, and that’s not how political news works.
I whole heartedly agree.
Modded you, but yeah if you and rezz want to take the lead on that and figure it out go for it. I sent rezz I reply earlier about another bot that some of my other communities was using before that one also died, but I had to github link so maybe they will be able to figure it out
He’s been banned and (most) of the comments removed.
So the mod Barns made/ported the other NBA bot, the bot I was talking with someone about in my DMs was a different bot, but I believe it’s one that gets used on Reddit a lot that was ported here and stopped working. The user had it working on my Phillies sub for ~half the summer until it stopped.
The bot is called “redball” and it’s on github, I believe this is the link https://github.com/toddrob99/redball
Again, not the same exact bot as far as I’m aware, but it did work well when it was up, I think it was actually quite simply banned for spam posting & possibly not flagging itself as a bot and the owner of the account just got pissed off and didn’t want to work on it anymore at least on LW.
Yeah, it seems like a fair approach, if you’re up to the task I can mod you so that you can pin them though.
Yeah, I think they sent it to me in PMs when I was discussing trying to get it migrated to NFL, let me check and get back to you.
Gotcha (and gotcha on the reply for the comment I just tagged you in). I agree about threads for every game, but it’s definitely a lot of work to do manually, if we have people willing to do it I’m game though. I just can’t personally commit to getting them all up
Moderator check, no idea if everyone I added back in June is still active, reply here if you’re still around and still want to mod, if you don’t reply within ~a week I’ll assume you’ve moved on from LW and remove you.
@[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected]
Hey, we had a bot that broke at some point over the offseason and the creator isn’t interested in fixing it, do you have any interest in being modded to handle game threads going forward?
I mean, modlogs on LW are publicly viewable, feel free to check mine out where you’ll see I did not ban you from anything.
Sorry, I was away for a bit, I’ve added you.