Just your typical internet guy with questionable humor

  • 112 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • Brazilian here - once had an english teacher call xadrez, the chess game, “checkers” (to be fair to her, “xadrez” could mean either the game or a checkered texture, but the game of checkers is what we call “damas”). She also called bolinhos (muffins) doughnuts (or “dou-go-nu-ty”, as she spoke), and rosquinhas (doughnuts) muffins. I called out that she got the two mixed up, she ignored me.

    She was a terrible teacher. She even forgot to put the correct text for an exam once, I asked her about the text during the exam and she just said “if you read it, you’ll find (the answers)” - it took another kid bringing the same point for her to bother reading the exam she prepared and realizing she fucked up.

  • Strangely enough, once I started giving drawing classes to kids last year as a volunteer, I no longer felt like my life had been pointless. It felt like I finally did something that would mean something. I was invited to give 1 or 2 classes only, as a test to see if I’d like it. Turns out I did like it way more than I could’ve imagined, as a I never fancied myself as a teacher. Apparently, the kids loved it, too. Not needing to fill out forms, reports and whatever bureaucracy teachers have to deal with also helps me look forward to this year’s classes.

    So, my take is that you should definitely try something different in your life, preferably something that puts you in face-to-face contact with other people