Probably more for bed bugs.
Probably more for bed bugs.
I would think it would matter to Trump, whose main concern is what is airing on television and his image.
It seems pretty clear to me. “Hey look, we put your wife’s nude pictures across the country. It would be a shame if we did this with some other photos we have…”
Oh look, the blackmail is starting already. Good job everyone who voted for a completely compromised candidate.
This is not an exaggeration. They literally don’t care about the world because “we’re all going to heaven anyway.” I have relatives that have said as much.
It seems really localized. My county had almost 80% of registered voters vote, which seems crazy high to me.
Softer than my baby’s shit. And let me tell you, that shit is soft.
It’s only fair, the US does the same shit with UK royalty.
Fuck standard time, all my homies hate standard time.
Pretty sure me too. It was an AGP card lol.
I have really good insurance at my work, and the PPO plan is about 10% of my paycheck for my family. And that’s with my work paying 2-3x that amount.
I’m currently fighting a bill because insurance doesn’t like who gave the diagnosis. The diagnosis isn’t wrong, it’s actively being treated, they just think the wrong doctor gave it. Dealing with insurance is a huge pain in the ass for no reason except to enrich the insurance companies. They add no value to society.
My Vanguard roth IRA is up 11% since 2020, and is up 30% just this last year. If you are investing into individual stocks yourself I would probably reconsider that strategy. Buying individual stocks is closer to gambling than investing.
I see you did total market funds now, idk what to tell you. But if you are not retiring soon it doesn’t really matter. Time in the market is better than timing the market.
Nice, here is an actual relevant map:
It’s really about split whether or not states will let you leave work to vote
They A-B test it themselves. At least some do. You can actually run multiple thumbnails on YouTube for the same video and see what does best. Linus Tech Tips also did this manually and found the face ones do better.
Did you restart or shutdown? Shutdown is more like hibernate, restart should be a proper reboot.
It also helps to have an employer that cares about most holidays.
??? They do it from the oval office desk. The more / less US manufacturing lever is in between the egg price and gas price lever.