• 13 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • That’s a coincidence. I remember getting shot right in the middle of my forehead with a pellet gun. My friends and I were playing at their house and were shooting pellet guns. I was leaning over a railing in the side of their house looking down to where my friend was shooting at. To this day I don’t know how it happened, but I remember the pellet ricocheting straight up to where I was leaning over and hit me directly in the middle of my forehead. But, I don’t remember feeling any pain or having a mark. I remember looking up at friends in surprise and that’s it. If I had moved my head just a tiny bit further up or to the side, I probably would’ve lost one of my eyes. That’s just one of the many times where I would’ve gotten a serious injury when I was a kid but somehow, I never did.

  • I think something this momental would make it so that the world won’t allow us to forget even if the news does. Think about it. Imagine the fallout that would follow finding out that we’re not alone in the universe, that there’s something out there way smarter than us and have been in contact with our government. How did contact the government? How long have they been in contact? Are they here already? People would probably go a little bit crazy initially. Doomsday peppers would stock up, like what happened during covid, religious fanatics would probably go haywire because what if aliens had something to do with shaping religion? Then there’s the scientific stuff. How are they comminicating? How can the government keep contact? There’d probably be people calling the government into question because how can they hide something so momental from is for however long they have? Then the other governments of the world to. What would they say? Would they be contact to? Would they start fighting because they’re not in contact and want to be? I think the world would go crazy enough that’d we’d feel the effects for a while and definately longer than until Halloween.

  • I remember I was walking through a mall carrying a gift bag full of chocolates for my mom. It was one of those places that gives out those special types of gift bags so it was pretty obvious what I was carrying. I passed by one of those kiosks that sell phone cases and I heard the girl running the place call out to me. I politely waved at her and said “No, thank you.” And walked away. After I got out of the mall I realized the girl said “Oh, are those for me? You’re so nice!”

    I thought she was trying to sell me something…

  • The craziest story I have is how close I got to becoming part of a crazy story. It’s odd now that I think about how my life seems to be censored. Back in high school I was part of a group of friends that would go out on the outskirts of my small hometown to play paintball. We’d play almost every weekend and I’d join them everytime. But, one weekend I didn’t join because I think I had a cold or I was working or something. But, that one time I didn’t join someone called the cops claiming that they were hearing gunshots going off. Someone called the cops on a bunch of high school kids and thus the cops showed up sporting shotguns and pistols. My friends had guns pulled on them. Luckily, the cops quickly realized what they were doing and left without any more trouble.

    That was the one and only time I’ve almost experienced something even remotely crazy. That was maybe 8 or more years ago.

  • It’s very much like any other survival game if I’m being honest. Minecraft, rust, etc. and kind of rough around the edges. But I very much like exploring the map and finding dungeons, setting up bases in interesting locations, and the ability customize my character. There is an end to the game but it takes a lot of prep work and traveling and I often get distracted by exploring a ruin or a hidden cave or something. I personally enjoy it a lot just for the exploration.