Well the website says it comes back in stock next month
Well the website says it comes back in stock next month
They absolutely can and should fix it, but in the end, IMHO, it’s a mail server misconfiguration coupled with a slack issue, not a Zendesk security issue
Trying to do the devil’s advocate: Zendesk isn’t a mail server and all it’s doing is to organize a million messages sent to a specific address in a neater way. A spam filter is also present because every email client needs it, but spoofed mails should be rejected by the mail server, not the clients.
Easy but intrusive option: disqus, most Hugo themes already support it and it doesn’t require a server
Hard but Foss: isso, it requires a vps as it’s in python, and literally zero Hugo themes support it so you have to edit their source to include it (not extremely hard, you just override the disqus part)
It doesn’t make sense for a site that gets new content 3-4 times a year to get generated from scratch to each single visitor
More like took control and rebranded the ACF plugin
That’s ridiculous
Desktop apps in a WebView using vnc on a VM on a tablet are a miserable experience that nobody wants to endure
sure, but why solve problems in 10 minutes when i can do it way more sophisticated using 10x more time and resources?
(at the moment reverted to the easy html form + php send mail)
On the x370 Ryzen motherboard the test always failed at test #5 and it appeared to be shifted bytes (expected FEFEFEFE got 00FEFEFEFE)
On a H series lowest end Intel motherboard it just beeps and won’t even boot in dual channel. Single channel instead boots and pass the test. The Intel motherboard has those shitty RAM slots where there’s only one clip on a single side and the other is fixed (to save 1¢ I guess) so it’s a bit difficult to assure proper contact
it might be, after all i took out all the components and then dusted the case with compressed air (didn’t let the fans spin)
i put the new thermal stuff only on the cpu, specifically that new honeywell material. It’s a bit smaller than the cpu, ordered 3x3 cm measuring a core i3 that i had on hand, while the ryzen has a bigger IHS and fits better with a 4x4 cm
i’m thinking maybe i tightened the cooler too much but it’s the OEM one, so it shouldn’t allow overtightening because has the stoppers on the threads… unless the honeywell pad is too thick for that
Wow I didn’t imagine that the connector was so fragile
No I manhandled them and put them on a random shelf, I was under the impression modern electronics are designed to withstand that light abuse, saw a electroboom video where he tries and fails to fry RAM with electrostatic discharge
It’s from a small startup with just a few devs and no resources, how could you expect to get more than a version update in its lifecycle
How the fuck someone can hoard 14 fucking terabytes of sick photos???
I hope everyone involved in the production of such material spends the rest of their lives in a Guantanamo style box
Yes but when it’s almost a tenth of the workforce taking the voluntary severance, it’s not really normal unless the boat is sinking, the workplace is toxic, or both
it’s a bit of a red flag when 160 employees see something as trivial as a trademark dispute to take the opportunity to go away with a severance package
Maybe blocked by your country?
My country blocks all of them using the excuse of csam and cloudflare doesn’t support them
Why would you purchase a license of Adguard when ublock origin not only is faster and better, but it’s also free.
I can’t even understand the concept of purchasing a license for a browser extension.
WTF as an Italian I am ashamed of those selfish assholes