• 15 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023

  • i am unsure what you mean about not interfaceing with apple? I heard in america imessage is a big thing that prevents that, but the rest of the world doesnt really use it. and besides there are many messangers that let you interface.

    also i mean the burden to move. the burdon to leave the alphabet system is just as hard as the apple system imo. its just annoying both dont make it easy for any cross useage.

    Edit: just wanna make clear i am not an apple apologist. i heavily prefer open source alternatives and use them whereever i can. i just dont get how people act as if andeoid/google/ect. are better or even good alternatives.

  • no you got a point. i think your listed problems are the main problems you can have. with the hefty price and the “elite” vibe they sell in ads and so on, its really easy to hate. hateing apple feels like punching up.

    and (most) android users dont realise that instead of beeing in apples eco system they are “trapped” in googles. I apprechiate apple for them not just blatently selling personal data, recorded from my phone. I also think in terms of polish there is no competiton. whoever used both, iphone and android phone, cant deny that ios is just far more polished. everything just works.

    I personally dont like the apple proprietary ecosystem, but with no really good open source phone os, they are the best alternative on the marked atm. i dont know about laptops.

  • was? ich habe das jetzt oft gelesen und ich verstehe dich nicht. ich habe keinen kommentar über linke oder linke werte gemacht? und ich habe auch kein statement dazu verfasst wer für oder gegen solche werte wäre. Um mich vielleicht anders aus zu drücken. ich finde konservative oder religiöse extremesiten gehören in dieselbe schublade. egal mit welchem religiösen oder kulturellen hintergrund.

    mich persönlich stört es momentan reaktionen von menschen zu sehen welche den islam verantworlich für die attacke machen, welche bei einen angriff von einem christen nicht die religion beschuldigen würden.

  • ill link this short video, since it is more well put then i ever could: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2IrG68YTMjo

    I dont ask for much. literally just wanna follow my sfw hobbies without beeing forced to confront my inner demons every day. I agree that i should “get over it”. but maybe you dont realise the scope. this is at best a years long therapy process that in the end might never pay off.

    And quite frankly are you also telling war veterans to get a grip, because people like fire work? are you telling parents to stop crying about child protection because if we dont sexualise cartoon characters online we would cease to exist?

    i dont even ask to be helped i just wanted to rant. i am aware that 99% of people dont give a damn about trauma. why be so confrontational towards me?

  • I think i was in a similar spot before (eventhough it lasted way less years). the problem i realised was, that i put my former partner on a podest. they were my godess/queen or whatever. i realised thats because i was romantacising it way more than it was in reality. I did meet them again after a few years and they seem to have changed. thats when i realised maybe they never changed but i didnt see them for who they are back then with youthfull naivity and rosecolourentainted glasses.

    i started to change my mindset, in the sense that i dont need them or any partner for my perfect life. i just need me. i am the most important person in my life now, as it should be. it took time, it took therapy, but i got there and life is better without feeling dependent on such (at least partly) imaginary things.

    i hope things turn around for you, and you can enjoy the future. as you said the past cant be changed, but the future can.

    Edit: typos

    Edit2: my wife has adhd and i love her dearly. just as a reminder that you are lovable too the way you are.