An early bird in the hand gets the low hanging fruit in the bush.

  • 10 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 6th, 2023


  • Could be an interesting short horror story in that idea: toward the end of the lockdown, primary character is notified that their aunt and uncle are dying or have died. Took everyone by surprise since they were generally healthy but it was a sudden decline that put them both out of commission almost simultaneously. Aunt and uncle were a couple newspaper stacks shy of being full-blown hoarders before the pandemic but supply chain disruptions and panic-buying had sent them over the edge. Now their living space is dominated by buckets of freeze-dried macaroni, tubs of horse de-wormer and mountains of toilet paper.

    Primary character takes the lead on cleaning out their home, doing some minor repairs and finding the appropriate assortment of tradespeople to handle the specialized work before putting the property up for sale. Slowly but surely, the hired crew and relatives conquer the clutter and find themselves having a good time working together in spite of the family’s grief and the enormity of the task.

    Last minor details before putting it on the market are nearly done so to celebrate, primary character fires up the grill for a proper Fast and Furious family and friends finale. They’ll probably still end up throwing out most of what’s in the big freezer chest but this would make a dent at least.

    In this comment section, it’s pretty obvious where the story is going. End with a big reveal to the crowd from a deep-diving freezer-rummager or let the primary character discover the truth alone afterward so they’re stuck with the knowledge of what happened and a decision to make on how to handle it.