Wishing for my death or a World War. Either will do. Because FML or this world.
Taoism is a great way of thinking about the world.
I hope your Gin had Shinpachi and Kagura to form the complete Yourozuya trio.
Pretty close to how I flirt. Fuck, I am lonely…
I didn’t choose to be Schopenhauer. The world made me like that.
Gaslighting much, are they?
If the solar system was an atom, our motion would be governed by quantum mechanics, not newtonian mechanics. Which is not the case.
But, you don’t have 5 years of Javascript, Php, angular, react, python, c++, Kubernetes, Docker, AWS, Azure experience. How is a manager supposed to hire you?
In all seriousness though, I remember a project where we were supposed to do Point Cloud Segmentation, essentially classify which point belongs to what object. Problem was, I didn’t know the subject and there are no good textbooks because it is not yet a well formalized discipline. So, I asked my manager to buy me a course, which should give me and the team a foundation to stand up on. But, they said no. How is one supposed to do a project without actually knowing the subject, especially when most of the subject is locked behind papers that are not easily accessible.
Yeah, I feel like any job should be doable by a wide range of people. I mean, the advantages are fairly obvious. I don’t know why would anyone want their jobs to be niche. If there is any work that is only doable by a handful of people, either change the way you do things or train more people to do it. At least that is what I believe.
It’s the hyperspecialization that is the problem. To ease the training of the labor force, they wanted to specialize everyone. However, generalists have their value too, as they act as the glue. But, management have forgotten that. All they care about employees that fit their small niche, which makes it hard for them to get employees and for others to get a job. I have given many interviews, where I was not as good with the manager’s niche and that sucked ass because whatever knowledge I am missing, I could easily learn it while working because I focussed to learning how to learn too. But, that was not good enough.
That’s the captain of the ship in the hammock.
Looks like Sony hasn’t learnt any lesson from the failure of Concord.
When you are good at something, never do it for free.