I watched the recent test of catching the returning second stage booster in the chopsticks, and had a lump in my throat. Absolutely fucking amazing, nobody is in the same league as that crew.
I watched the recent test of catching the returning second stage booster in the chopsticks, and had a lump in my throat. Absolutely fucking amazing, nobody is in the same league as that crew.
Man, I wish there were a single DNS system that everyone used. Every time I try to figure out how a distro is handling DNS, it ends up being some weird backend to puzzle out. Yet for some reason there’s always a resolv.conf that may or may not be getting ignored so I go about twisting dials that often aren’t connected to anything.
I don’t care if it ends up being a systemd module, just standardize and document it, ffs.
Guys, we’re going to have to apologize to Ted Cruz; I think we found the Zodiac Killer.
I tell you hwat.
I’ve been dogfooding Searxng for a week or so now and I’m sold on it over DDG and certainly over Google. Besides good results out of the box and being selfhosted so I have some search privacy (sorta), you can tune it to get better results for your particular situation.
Setup was a quick docker compose and env file, and then add it to FF with a rightclick on the URL bar to set it up in my search engines.
Polish minds cannot comprehend this.
One of my favorite justiceporn vids was a woman that habitually drove around a stopped schoolbus (on the freaking sidewalk) on her commute. Cop was waiting for her one day and she got roflstomped by the judge on those charges.
In NA, steel is standard. I’ve never seen a copper hotwater tank in Canada. I think that used to be somewhat common in Europe, but copper is freakin’ expensive now so that’s gone by the wayside, as well.
Teksavvy lets me do precisely whatever the fuck I want, and doesn’t make a peep. They collect their $80 and fuck right off until I need them.
Telus, on the other hand, can go fuck themselves with a rusty spoon. They sent me a letter and I switched ISPs within 24 hours.
Did the entire department author that paper?
And how would you use Tbird on a free subscription? The bridge is a subscriber service.
Hear, hear.
Devices like the stress analyzer aren’t meant to work, they’re meant to give excuses for further action. Like drug-sniffing dogs.
SearxNG selfhosted.
Maybe just"A".